%0 Journal Article %T Application of Inversion to Integrated Stratigraphic Interpretation Application de l'inversion pour l'interpr¨¦tation stratigraphique int¨¦gr¨¦e %A Dequirez P. Y. %A Richard V. %J Oil & Gas Science and Technology %D 2006 %I Institut Fran?ais du P¨¦trole %R 10.2516/ogst:1990026 %X The EAEG Inversion Workshop consisted of a calibrated stratigraphic study of a carbonate reservoir through different inversion techniques. Information was provided by one poststack seismic section and an impedance log from a well on the seismic line to calibrate the seismic data. From the interpreter's point of view, the objective was to pursue a hopefully oil productive zone in the carbonate reservoir through the lateral delineation of the estimated pseudo-impedances. The advanced integrated stratigraphic interpretation software INTERWELL has been developed to achieve calibration and integration of impedance well logs, seismic data and stratigraphic information. The complete procedure was demonstrated for the workshop test line to solve the well extrapolation problem. Firstly, an interpretive well-to-seismic tie procedure was applied for wavelet estimation and log editing. Then the available impedance well log and interpretive knowledge were integrated with the seismic data by using an inversion method with a priori information. The use of a priori information reduces the range of models to be consistent with the observed seismic data and ensures that the results are geologically meaningful. This advantage is best understood by considering three extreme approaches starting without constraints, then applying them more strongly. From our assumptions about the information content in the workshop dataset, we derived an optimal impedance section which facilitates the interpretation. The estimated pseudo-logs match those observed at three blind wells unavailable prior to the workshop. Le workshop sur l'inversion organis¨¦ ¨¤ l'EAEG (European Association of Exploration Geophysicists) avait pour but l'¨¦tude stratigraphique comparative d'un r¨¦servoir carbonat¨¦ ¨¤ l'aide de diff¨¦rentes techniques d'inversion. L'information fournie ¨¦tait compos¨¦e d'une section sismique apr¨¨s sommation et d'un log d'imp¨¦dance provenant d'un puits situ¨¦ sur le profil, de fa on ¨¤ pouvoir ¨¦talonner les donn¨¦es sismiques. Du point de vue de l'interpr¨¦tation, l'objectif ¨¦tait de rechercher les variations lat¨¦rales d'imp¨¦dance dans un r¨¦servoir carbonat¨¦ avec l'espoir de d¨¦terminer une zone productrice d'huile. Le logiciel d'interpr¨¦tation stratigraphique int¨¦gr¨¦e INTERWELL a ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦velopp¨¦ pour effectuer la calibration et l'int¨¦gration des logs d'imp¨¦dance aux puits, des donn¨¦es sismiques et des informations stratigraphiques. La proc¨¦dure compl¨¨te a ¨¦t¨¦ appliqu¨¦e sur la ligne test du workshop pour r¨¦soudre le probl¨¨me d'extrapolation des donn¨¦es de puits. Dans une premi¨¨re ¨¦tape nous metton %U http://dx.doi.org/10.2516/ogst:1990026