%0 Journal Article %T Morphology of young handball players %A Daniel Giordani Vasques %A Maria de F¨¢tima da Silva Duarte %A Adair da Silva Lopes %J Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano %D 2007 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X The purpose of this study was to compare anthropometric and body composition variables from the best male handball athletes competing in the Santa Catarina state youth competition to variables from the other athletes in the same competition, by game position. Seven of the twelve coaches participating in the Santa Catarina Open Youth Games 2004 (up to 18 years) freely consented to select the seven best athletes in the competition (one goalkeeper, one pivot, two wingers and three backcourt players). In addition to these seven players, there were a further 79 team members taking part, bringing the total sample size to 86 athletes. The following variables were analyzed: body weight (MC), height (ES), arm span (ENV), hand breadth (DPA), wrist breadth (DRU), forearm circumference (PA), percentage fat (%G), fat mass (MG) and lean body mass (MCM). Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) were employed to classify the athletes according to court position. The chosen athletes were compared with the others using the single-sample t test (p<0.05) and percentage rank. It was found that four of the chosen athletes (pivot, left winger, central and right backcourts) exhibited superior morphology in relation to other athletes playing in the same positions (p<0.05). Body morphology appears to be an important criterion for the performance of the chosen athletes. It is suggested that studies be undertaken to relate morphology with game performance in different age categories. RESUMO Este estudo objetivou comparar vari¨¢veis antropom¨¦tricas e da composi o corporal dos melhores atletas de uma competi o juvenil (at¨¦ 18 anos) de handebol masculino de Santa Catarina, em rela o aos demais atletas da competi o por posi o de jogo. Sete dentre os doze t¨¦cnicos participantes dos Joguinhos Abertos de Santa Catarina 2004 aceitaram, voluntariamente, realizar a escolha da sele o dos sete melhores atletas da competi o (um goleiro, um piv , dois extremas e tr¨ºs armadores). Contabilizou-se, al¨¦m dos sete atletas da sele o, mais 79 atletas titulares de suas equipes, totalizando na amostra, 86 atletas. Foram analisadas as vari¨¢veis: massa corporal (MC), estatura (ES), percentual de gordura (%G), massa de gordura (MG), massa corporal magra (MCM), envergadura (ENV), diametro palmar (DPA), diametro biestil¨®ide r¨¢dio-ulnar (DRU) e per¨ªmetro do antebra o (PA). Utilizou-se a estat¨ªstica descritiva (m¨¦dias e desvios padr es) dos atletas por posi o de jogo. Os atletas da sele o foram comparados com os demais atletas da competi o por meio do teste t de Student para compara o %K Morphology %K Anthropometry %K Body composition %K Athletes %K Morfologia %K Antropometria %K Composi o corporal %K Atletas. %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/rbcdh/article/view/4053/3428