%0 Journal Article %T Effects of soy milk as a dietary complement during the natural aging process Efecto de la leche de soja como completemento dietario durante el proceso de envejecimiento natural %A M. Fontenla %A A. Prchal %A A. M. Cena %A A. L. Albarrac赤n %J Nutrici車n Hospitalaria %D 2008 %I Sociedad Espa?ola de Nutrici車n Parenteral y Enteral %X Introduction: Oxidative stress is one mechanism that could contribute to the acceleration of aging and age-related diseases. On the other hand, because of their antioxidative qualities soybean derived foods could have beneficial effects on the aging process. Objectives: The aim of our work was to study the effects of a diet supplemented with soy milk on certain biological features of aging in rats Methods: Male Wistar rats of 3 to 18 months of age, were assigned to one of two diets: 1) Experimental Group, commercial rat formula and soy milk; 2) Control Group, commercial rat formula and water. Every three months both lipid profile and lipid peroxidation were determined and neuronal cells of hippocampus were counted in control and experimental rats. Results: The soy milk diet significantly improved the plasmatic lipid profile, decreasing serum cholesterol (total as well as LDL) and serum triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol was significatively higher in experimental animals. The LDL/HDL ratio was thus significantly lowered. The soy diet also produced decreased values of lipid peroxidation in brain, liver and kidney. These effects were significant after 6 to 9 months. The experimental animals lost fewer hippocampal neurons than the controls. Finally at 18 months of age, a greater number of surviving animals in experimental group with respect to the control one was observed. Conclusions: 1) soy intake could have beneficial effects as a complement of normal diet, but not as a replacement for animal proteins and 2) these effects are the result of a very long period (almost lifelong) of consumption of this diet. Introducci車n: El estr谷s oxidativo es uno de los mecanismos que contribuye al envejecimiento y al desarrollo de enfermedades cr車nicas. Por otro lado, los alimentos a base de soja, por a sus cualidades antioxidantes podr赤an tener un efecto ben谷fico en este proceso. Objetivos: El prop車sito de nuestro trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la suplementaci車n dietaria con leche de soja sobre algunos par芍metros biol車gicos del envejecimiento natural, en ratas. Material y m谷todos: Se trabaj車 con ratas Wistar macho, desde los 3 y hasta los 18 meses de edad. Los animales fueron asignadas a dos dietas: 1) grupo experimental: alimento balanceado para ratas y leche de soja, ad libitum; 2) grupo control: alimento balanceado y agua ad libitum. Cada tres meses, en ambos grupos se realizaron las siguientes determinaciones: a) perfil lip赤dico plasm芍tico; b) lipoperoxidaci車n (MDA) en homogenato de cerebro, h赤gado y ri 車n, y c) recuento del n迆mero de cuerpos neuronales en el hipocamp %K Leche de soja %K Estr谷s oxidativo %K Perfil lip赤dico %K Cuerpos neuronales %K Soymilk %K Oxidative stress %K Lipid profile %K Neuronal bodies %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0212-16112008000800013