%0 Journal Article %T Blood glucose responses of type-2 diabetics during and after exercise performed at intensities above and below anaerobic threshold %A Wolysson C. Hiyane %A Maysa Vieira de Sousa %A S谷rgio R. Moreira %A Gabriele do Valle %J Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano %D 2008 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X With the objective of analyzing the blood glucose responses during and after exercise performed at 90 and 110% of anaerobic threshold (AT), 10 type-2 diabetes patients (56.9㊣11.2years; 80.3㊣14.4kg) performed an incremental test (IT) on a cycle ergometer. After an initial IT to identify AT, the volunteers participated in three experimental sessions on three different days: 20 minutes* of cycling at either 90 or 110% of AT, and a control session (CON). Blood glucose was measured at rest, and at the 10th and 20th minutes of exercise or control condition, as well as every 15 minutes during a 2-hour postexercise recovery period (Rec). One-way ANOVA did not detect signifi cant differences in blood glucose levels between the sessions at 90 and 110% of AT. Compared to CON, a signifi cant decrease was observed at the 20th minute of exercise, and at the 15th and 60th minutes of Rec from the 90% AT session. Signifi cant reductions were also observed at the 10th and 20th minutes of exercise and at the 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th and 90th minutes of Rec from the session at 110% AT. Exercise performed at the higher intensity (110% AT) resulted in a tendency of a more pronounced and prolonged hypoglycemic effect during and after exercise, and may be an alternative intensity for glycemic control in type 2 diabetics who do not have cardiovascular complications or other contraindications to exercising at intensities above the AT. Resumo Com o prop車sito de analisar a resposta da glicose sangu赤nea durante e ap車s exerc赤cio a 90 e 110% do limiar anaer車bio (LA), 10 volunt芍rios diab谷ticos tipo 2 (56,9 ㊣ 11,2 anos; 80,3 ㊣ 14,4 kg), realizaram um teste incremental (TI) em cicloerg metro. Ap車s a realiza o do TI para identifi ca o do LA, os volunt芍rios realizaram 3 sess es experimentais em dias distintos: 20 minutos em bicicleta ergom谷trica a 90 e 110% LA e uma sess o controle (CON). A glicemia foi mensurada no repouso, aos 10 e 20 min de exerc赤cio ou na situa o controle, bem como a cada 15 minutos durante 2 horas do per赤odo de recupera o p車s-exerc赤cio (Rec) e CON. ANOVA n o identificou diferen as significantes nas concentra es de glicose sangu赤nea durante e ap車s as sess es de 90 e 110% LA. Comparado ao controle, redu o signifi cativa da glicemia foi observada aos 20 min de exerc赤cio (-41 + 15 mg.dl-1), aos 15 min (-48 + 21 mg.dl-1) e 60 min da Rec p車s sess o a 90% LA, sendo tamb谷m observada diminui o signifi cativa da glicemia aos 10 e 20 min do exerc赤cio e aos 15, 30, 45, 60 e 90 min da Rec ap車s sess o de 110% LA. O exerc赤cio de maior intensidade (110% LA) resultou em tend那nci %K Diabetes tipo 2 %K Intensidade de exerc赤cio %K Controle da glicemia. Type 2 Diabetes %K Exercise intensity %K Glycemic control. %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/rbcdh/article/view/4139/3488