%0 Journal Article %T Nutritional status and physical activity of scholars of the city of Porto Velho, Rond nia %A Edson dos Santos Farias %A Edio Luiz Petroski %J Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano %D 2003 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X This purpose of this study was to investigate intervenient factors for nutritional status and physical activity in schoolchildren enrolled in the Municipal Educational System of Porto Velho, Rond nia, Brazil. The sample was composed of 1057 pupils, 7 to 10 years of age, who were randomly and proportionally selected by sectors and by clusters of convenience. A questionnaire was used to gather information on social demographics and physical activity. Data were analyzed against ¡À 2SD cut-off points for the height-for-age and the weight-forheight z-scores. Chi-square statistics were used to analyze associations between variables, and comparisons between sexes were made using Student¡¯s t test. In relation to demographic characteristics; 60.1%, 29% and 7.8% of the subjects came from low-income classes D, C and E, respectively; and their parents had low levels of education. Prevalence of previous malnutrition (H/A) was 27.2%, while acute malnutrition (W/H) was 19.8%. It was noted, using the W/H index, that obesity prevalence was 17.3%. Nutritional status was related to family size, showing a positive association with W/H index. In regard to physical activity characteristics; the group seemed to be inactive, irrespective of nutritional status. It was estimated that the majority of the students spent, on average, two hours watching television. Percentage body fat among girls was observed to rise progressively as age increased. RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o comportamento de vari¨¢veis que evidenciaram as caracter¨ªsticas do estado nutricional e da atividade f¨ªsica em escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Velho/RO. A amostra constituiu-se de 1057 escolares de ambos os sexos, com idade de 07 a 10 anos, selecionados por meio de amostragem aleat¨®ria proporcional por setor e intencional por conglomerado de turma. Foi utilizado um question¨¢rio com a fi nalidade de levantar informa es sobre dados sociodemogr¨¢fi co e a atividade f¨ªsica. Verificou-se as caracter¨ªsticas do estado nutricional atrav¨¦s das medidas antropom¨¦tricas, utilizando para an¨¢lise a estat¨ªstica descritiva: escore Z como ponte de corte 2 DP e + 2 DP, com os indicadores estatura para idade (E/I) e peso para estatura (P/E). A fi m de analisar as associa es entre vari¨¢veis foi usado o Quiquadrado (x2); e a compara o entre os sexos realizou-se por meio do teste ¡°t¡± de Student. No que se refere ¨¤s caracter¨ªsticas demogr¨¢fi cas, 60,1%, 29,0% e 7,8% dos escolares pesquisados pertencem ¨¤s classes de baixa renda familiar D, C e E e seus pais t¨ºm baixo grau de instru o. Quanto ¨¤ classi %K Estado nutricional %K Atividade f¨ªsica %K Composi o corporal %K Escolares %K Nutritional status %K Physical activity %K Body composition %K School age children %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/rbcdh/article/view/4004/3401