%0 Journal Article %T EFEITO DE PRODUTOS QU¨ªMICOS NA QUALIDADE DE KIWIS ¡®HAYWARD¡¯ MINIMAMENTE PROCESSADOS %A Maria Am¨¢lia Brunini %A Gabriela Ferraz de Siqueira %A Joana Diniz Rosa da Silva %J Nucleus %D 2005 %I Funda??o Educacional de Ituverava %X The objetive of this work was to evaluate the quality of minimally processad kiwi ¡®Hayward¡¯treated with acid ascorbic solution at 1 %, citric acid solution at 1 %, calcium chloride solution 1% and water bidistilled.After the minimally product were packaged into polyethylene therephtalate trays covered with stretchingand sticking PVC plastic film with thickness of 12 m. The trays of each treated were stored at 5 ¡À 1oC, with 85 ¨C90% UR and at 9 ¡À 1 o C, with 85 ¨C 90% of UR. The products were evaluated through the parameters: weightloss, titrable acidity, soluble solids, pH, appearance, vitamin C, soluble carbohydrate, respiratory rate and total andfecal coliformes. Taking into considerations the results obtained it is observed that the treated products witch calciumchloride solution at 1% and stored at 9¡À 1 oC showed the smallest weight loss and the best appearance at the end ofstorage; the treated products with calcium chloride solution at 1% and stored at 5 ¡À 1oC showed highest vitamin Ccontent; the soluble carbohydrate content increased during storage time, compared with the value obtained in theintact fruit; the respiration rate increased during storage time; the microbiological analysis didn¡¯t detect fecal total coliforms, in the kiwi minimally processed; the use of calcium chloride solution at 1% was that better because can tomaintain the kiwi minimally processed quality.O objeto deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de kiwis ¡® Hayward¡¯ minimamente processados etratados com solu o de ¨¢cido asc¨®rbico a 1%, solu o de ¨¢cido c¨ªtrico 1%, solu o de cloreto de c¨¢lcio 1% e ¨¢guabi-destilada, e, posteriormente, acondicionados em bandejas de polietileno tereftalato, revestidas extremamente comfilme pl¨¢stico de cloreto de polivinila. Estic¨¢vel e auto aderente, de 12 m de espessura, durante armazenamento a 5¡À 1oC, com 85 ¨C 90% UR 9 ¡À 1 o C, com 85 ¨C 90% de UR. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto ¨¤ perda de massafresca, acidez titul¨¢vel, s¨®lidos sol¨²veis totais, vitamina C, carboidratos sol¨²veis, taxa respirat¨®ria e teores decoliformes totais e fecais. Os kiwis minimamente processados, tratados com solu o de cloreto de c¨¢lcio a 1%, earmazenamento a 9 ¡À1 oC, apresentam as menores perdas de massa fresca e melhor apar¨ºncia ao 4 o dia dearmazenamento; os produtos tratados com a solu o de cloreto de c¨¢lcio a 1%, armazenados a 5 ¡À 1oC, apresentaramos maiores teores de vitamina C; os teores de carboidratos sol¨²veis aumentaram, no decorrer do armazenamento, emrela o ao valor obtido no fruto ¨ªntegro; a taxa respirat¨®ria aumentou durante o armazenamento; a an¨¢lisemic %K Minimum processing. Kiwi. Quality. Storage. Chemical treatment. - Kiwi. Processamento m¨ªnimo. Armazenamento. Qualidade. Tratamento %U http://www.nucleus.feituverava.com.br/index.php/nucleus/article/view/440/493