%0 Journal Article %T MONUMENTO E GENEALOGIA: NOTAS SOBRE MICHEL FOUCAULT %A LOPES %A Rodrigo Touso Dias %J Nucleus %D 2004 %I Funda??o Educacional de Ituverava %X This text has the intent of introduce, insert in a quick biography of Michel Foucault, theconcepts of monument and genealogy. To do so, the analysis starts on the contexts of production of theseconcepts, during the sixties and seventies, demonstraing the order of major the worries the occupied thephilosopher in those years, such aas the understandings of how the relations of power are built and lately thewhy of this occurrence, always based on the idea that the relations of power are determinants for theunderstanding of these questions. The results of these inquietudes culminated in the creation of this two major¡¯smasterpieces, Arqueology of Knowledge and Microphisics of Power. Finally, in verifying some Foucault¡¯sworries, the intention is to once again raise his inquietudes, proponing a quick introduction on his analyzingway.Este texto tem a inten o de apresentar, inserido numa r¨¢pida biografia de Michel Foucault, osconceitos de monumento e genealogia. Para tanto, a an¨¢lise parte de os contextos de produ o desses conceitos,durante as d¨¦cadas de sessenta e setenta, demonstrando a ordem de preocupa es maiores que ocupavam opensador naqueles per¨ªodos, quais sejam, os entendimentos de como as ci¨ºncias se constroem e, posteriormente,o porqu¨º dessa ocorr¨ºncia, sempre baseado na id¨¦ia de que as rela es de poder s o determinantes para oentendimento dessas quest es. Os resultados das duas inquieta es culminaram com a cria o de duas de suasmaiores obras, as quais s o, Arqueologia do saber e Microf¨ªsica do poder. Por fim, ao rever algumaspreocupa es de Foucault, a inten o ¨¦ de novamente levantar as suas inquieta es, propondo uma r¨¢pidaintrodu o ao seu modo de an¨¢lise. %K Michel Foucault¡¯s biography. Introduction of the concepts of monument and - Biografia de Michel Foucault. Apresenta o dos conceitos de monumento %U http://www.nucleus.feituverava.com.br/index.php/nucleus/article/view/412/468