%0 Journal Article %T Mastering French Cuisine, Espousing French Identity Epouser la cuisine et l'identit¨¦ fran aises: r¨¦cits de transformation d'Am¨¦ricaines mari¨¦es ¨¤ des Fran ais %A Christy Shields-Argel¨¨s %J Anthropology of Food %D 2010 %I Anthropology of Food %X This paper draws from a series of comprehensive and life story interviews with twelve middle and upper class Franco-American couples (six in each country). In it we recount and analyze the narratives of two American wives (Linda and Beth) who tell, in very different ways, the story of their rencontre with France as one that profoundly changes their relationship to food and their own identity. Taken as ideal types, Linda¡¯s narrative, like those of other women who return home, is one of reintegration, while Beth¡¯s narrative, like those of other expatriate spouses, is one of exile. Despite the differences in their perspectives, French gastronomic discourse and American nutrition discourse delineate national boundaries and shape individual subjectivities in both narratives, allowing us, in a final analysis, to explore the interweaving of daily food practices, emotion and national identity. Cet article s¡¯appuie sur des entretiens compr¨¦hensifs et des r¨¦cits de vie men¨¦s aupr¨¨s de douze couples franco-am¨¦ricain vivant en France et aux Etats-Unis (six par pays). Il relate et analyse les r¨¦cits de transformation de deux Am¨¦ricaines mari¨¦es ¨¤ des Fran ais (Linda et Beth), qui racontent, de fa on tr¨¨s diff¨¦rente, l¡¯histoire de leur rencontre avec la France comme un processus ayant profond¨¦ment chang¨¦ leur relation ¨¤ l¡¯alimentation et leur propre identit¨¦. Vu comme id¨¦al-type, le r¨¦cit de Linda, ¨¤ l¡¯instar d¡¯autres femmes rentr¨¦es dans leur pays, est un r¨¦cit de r¨¦int¨¦gration, celui de Beth, ¨¤ l¡¯instar d¡¯autres femmes expatri¨¦es, un r¨¦cit d¡¯exil. Malgr¨¦ leurs perspectives diff¨¦rentes, le discours gastronomique fran ais et le discours nutritionnel am¨¦ricain dessinent des fronti¨¨res nationales et informent les subjectivit¨¦s individuelles dans les deux r¨¦cits, ce qui nous permet, en conclusion, d¡¯explorer l¡¯imbrication des pratiques alimentaires quotidiennes, l¡¯¨¦motion et l¡¯identit¨¦ nationale. %K food %K identity %K France %K nutrition %K narrative %K discourse %K cuisine %K gastronomy %K United States %K alimentation %K cuisine %K identit¨¦ %K r¨¦cit %K discours %K gastronomie %K nutrition %K France %K Etats-Unis %U http://aof.revues.org/6616