%0 Journal Article %T Rh¨¦torique culinaire et invention d¡¯un patrimoine culinaire individualis¨¦ chez des ¨¦tudiants ¨¦trangers en s¨¦jour temporaire ¨¤ Lyon Culinary rethorics and the invention of an individual food heritage among foreign students in Lyon %A Fr¨¦d¨¦rique Giraud %J Anthropology of Food %D 2010 %I Anthropology of Food %X Cet article se propose de discuter des pratiques culinaires mises en uvre par des ¨¦tudiants ¨¦trangers lors de leur s¨¦jour temporaire en France. Pour ce faire, il examine de fa on pr¨¦cise les pratiques et les discours de quatre ¨¦tudiants rencontr¨¦s lors d¡¯une enqu¨ºte ethnographique men¨¦e ¨¤ Lyon, en 2006-2007 : deux ¨¦tudiantes chinoises, un ¨¦tudiant marocain et un ¨¦tudiant italien. Deux attitudes oppos¨¦es mais hybrides se font jour. La premi¨¨re attitude que nous avons isol¨¦e r¨¦v¨¨le un d¨¦sir d¨¦clar¨¦ de s¡¯ouvrir au maximum ¨¤ de nouvelles pratiques culinaires, mais elle s¡¯accommode de retours ¨¤ des pratiques conservatrices. La seconde attitude manifeste la volont¨¦ de conserver des pratiques culinaires qui sont pr¨¦sent¨¦es comme celles du pays d¡¯origine. Pourtant ces pratiques apparaissent bien plus comme des pratiques d¡¯hybridation, de s¨¦lection, de ruptures que des pratiques fid¨¨les ¨¤ un patrimoine familial ou r¨¦gional. Il appara t que les ¨¦tudiants inventent en France un patrimoine culinaire individualis¨¦. In this paper, we will review the cooking methods used by foreign students during their temporary stay in France. To that effect, we interviewed and observed the techniques of students we met in Lyon in 2006-2007 during an ethnographic survey: two Chinese students, one Moroccan and one Italian student. Two opposite but hybrid trends prevail. The first trend we observed shows a real desire to open itself to a maximum of culinary techniques. However, these techniques are modified by the native conservative influences. The second trend shows the desire to preserve the culinary methods of their country of origin. However, these techniques appear much more as a result of cross fertilization between radical and selective techniques than traditional ones inherited from a family or from a local background. Foreign students in France are in a class by itself. %K food %K culinary heritage %K migration %K student %K social networks %K culinary change %K cooking method %K alimentation %K r¨¦seaux sociaux %K patrimoine culinaire %K migration %K ¨¦tudiant %K changement culinaire %K pratiques culinaires %U http://aof.revues.org/6677