%0 Journal Article %T PERCEPCI¨®N EMPRESARIAL DA MELLORA DO ENLACE FERROVIARIO VIGO-PORTO %A FRANCISCO JAVIER S¨¢NCHEZ SELLERO %A MAR¨ªA MONTSERRAT CRUZ GONZ¨¢LEZ %J Revista Galega de Econom¨ªa %D 2012 %I Universidade de Santiago de Compostela %X The present work centres on the analysis of the employment of the railroad on the Galician companies, specially on those that exchange with operators of another part of the European region. Underlined the residual use of the above mentioned infrastructure forehead the massive employment of the truck, we penetrate into the analysis of the explanatory factors of the modal choice and the eventual substitution into the use of the infrastructures of terrestrial transport. The statistical study complemented the reference to representative companies of the industrial sectors that move most of the value of the transactions, with the principal shipping agencies of regular lines, from or face the port of Vigo. The gap that tries to cover work is to answer to real needs of the companies with regard to improvement of infrastructure (according to it picks up the memory of the project that gives coverage to the work and requires the Council of Economy and Property), identifying models of preferences of the potential users; thus two explained structural equation models of the modal choice and its effect on the referred replacement are suggested. Coming finally to the conclusion of which both companies and logistic operators value the need of the advance of the infrastructures for the commented link, though for all of them there is more priority a clear liberalization of the market of railway operators, being the current service very deficient. In this point the sensibility to the change is bigger in the logistic operators that in the companies. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=39123194004