%0 Journal Article %T A her¨¢ldica em Portugal no s¨¦culo XIX: sob o signo da renova o Portuguese heraldry in nineteenth century: under the sign of renovation %A Miguel Metelo de Seixas %J An¨¢lise Social %D 2012 %I Instituto de Ci¨ºncias Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa %X Os fen¨®menos revolucion¨¢rios do s¨¦culo XIX tiveram profundos reflexos sobre a her¨¢ldica portuguesa. Por interven o governativa, a renova o envolveu tanto os emblemas din¨¢sticos e estatais, como os dos munic¨ªpios, n o s¨® de um ponto de vista formal, mas tamb¨¦m pela altera o do seu impacto como cultura visual. Em simultaneo, a her¨¢ldica de fam¨ªlia e a eclesi¨¢stica deca¨ªram, em favor da her¨¢ldica associativa, militar, comercial e imagin¨¢ria. O saber da armaria declinou na raz o inversa da aplica o da her¨¢ldica ¨¤s formas liter¨¢rias, art¨ªsticas, propagand¨ªsticas e publicit¨¢rias da sociedade contemporanea. O s¨¦culo XIX foi crucial para a renova o da her¨¢ldica portuguesa. The revolutionary phenomena of the nineteenth century had profound consequences on Portuguese heraldry. Through governmental intervention, the renovation included dynastic, national, and municipal emblems, not only regarding the formal point of view, but also by altering its impact as visual culture. At the same time, familiar and ecclesiastical heraldry yielded to associative, military, commercial, and imaginary heraldry. The ancient knowledge of blazon also declined in inverse ratio to the application of heraldry to literature, art, advertising, and propaganda. The nineteenth century was therefore crucial for Portuguese heraldry renovation. %K her¨¢ldica %K sociedade %K representa o %K s¨¦culo XIX %K revolu o %K heraldry %K society %K representation %K nineteenth century %K revolution %U http://www.scielo.oces.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0003-25732012000100003