%0 Journal Article %T El uso del campus virtual en el practicum de psicopedagog赤a: un enfoque constructivista y sociocultural %A Llorenˋ Andreu Barrachina %A Rosa M. Mayordomo Saiz %A Anna Espasa Roca %A Gillermo Bautista P谷rez %J REDU : Revista de Docencia Universitaria %D 2011 %I Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria (RED-U) %X En 谷ste trabajo se presenta la organizaci車n y seguimiento del pr芍cticum en el marco de una universidad virtual. Desde una visi車n constructivista y sociocultural de la ense anza, del aprendizaje y de la evaluaci車n, la propuesta plantea un modelo de pr芍cticum de la licenciatura de 2o ciclo de Psicopedagog赤a, que conjuga la tutorizaci車n y el seguimiento del trabajo de los estudiantes en el centro de pr芍cticas simult芍neamente con un trabajo de reflexi車n sobre la pr芍ctica que se lleva a cabo en el aula del campus virtual. La aplicaci車n de esta metodolog赤a aporta muchos beneficios formativos para los estudiantes puesto que garantiza la adquisici車n de destrezas propias de la intervenci車n psicopedag車gica en un contexto determinado conjuntamente con la reflexi車n sobre los contextos, finalidades y objetivos de la intervenci車n psicopedag車gica. Las repercusiones, ventajas e inconvenientes de 谷ste modelo de pr芍cticum se analizan teniendo en cuenta tambi谷n las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educaci車n Superior. ABSTRACT Using the virtual campus in the practicum of psychopedagogy: a socio-cultural and constructivist approach. The Practicum (post-graduate teacher education) is an area critical to the formation of a student to finish college.In the new framework of European Higher Education Area(EHEA),classroom practices have become even more important for the development of the skills required for a particular professional profile. In this paper we present the organization and monitoring of the Practicum as part of a virtual university. From a constructivist and socio-cultural teaching, learning and assessment, the proposal presents a model of practicum of the degree of 2nd cycle of psychopedagogy, which combines mentoring and monitoring the work of students in the training center work simultaneously with a reflection on practice which takes place in the classroom of the virtual campus. The results are analyzed from the satisfaction questionnaire administered to students at the end of each semester, which assesses four areas: overall satisfaction, teaching activities, resources and assessment of learning. The application of this methodology has many benefits for students training as skill acquisition warrants intervention own psychology in context togetherwith reflection on the contexts, purposes and objectives of the psychopedagogy intervention. The implications, advantages and disadvantages of this model of practicum are discussed taking into account the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area. %K practicum %K entorno virtual de aprendizaje %K formaci車n universitaria %K psicopedagog赤a %K constructivismo %K sociocultural %U http://red-u.net/redu/index.php/REDU/article/view/237