%0 Journal Article %T Mise en place d¡¯un dispositif d¡¯apprentissage hybride ¨¤ l¡¯universit¨¦ Setting up a blended learning programme in a university context %A Jemma Buck %A Julie McAllister %J Recherche et Pratiques P¨¦dagogiques en Langues de Sp¨¦cialit¨¦ : Cahiers de l'APLIUT %D 2012 %I Association des Professeurs de Langues des IUT (APLIUT) %R 10.4000/apliut.571 %X Dans l¡¯enseignement sup¨¦rieur, le probl¨¨me des classes pl¨¦thoriques et tr¨¨s h¨¦t¨¦rog¨¨nes est r¨¦current. Pour certains apprenants vient s¡¯ajouter l¡¯¨¦loignement g¨¦ographique, d¡¯o¨´ la n¨¦cessit¨¦ de mettre en place un dispositif d¡¯apprentissage hybride. Le programme pr¨¦sent¨¦ ici a ¨¦t¨¦ con u pour une utilisation par plusieurs centaines d¡¯¨¦tudiants suivant tous le m¨ºme programme, mais avec des besoins et des capacit¨¦s diff¨¦rentes. La recherche porte sur la conception, la mise en place et l¡¯¨¦valuation d¡¯un dispositif hybride, bas¨¦ sur l¡¯approche par les taches, qui combine travail ¨¤ distance, grace ¨¤ une plateforme d¡¯apprentissage, et s¨¦ances en pr¨¦sentiel. L¡¯article met l¡¯accent sur la conception du programme, qui entre dans sa troisi¨¨me ann¨¦e d¡¯exp¨¦rimentation, et pr¨¦sente les r¨¦sultats pr¨¦liminaires. Blended-learning programmes can be useful in situations where the learners are geographically far apart, but also where there is a need for more individual and differentiated learning, as is the case for heterogeneous classes in many universities. The programme presented here was designed for several hundred students, all following the same course, but with different needs and abilities. The theoretical framework to this research is task-based, or rather task-supported learning : the programme is a blend of distance learning supported by a virtual learning environment (VLE) and sessions with the teacher. Identifying the steps necessary to enable students and teachers to adopt a task-based learning programme also forms part of the research. The programme, the planning of which started in 2006, has now completed the second year of experimentation and this article will concentrate on its development and evaluation while highlighting some preliminary results. %K blended learning %K task-based learning %K linking face to face and distance learning %K evaluation %K task %K pre-task preparation %K feedback-driven action %K personal monitoring %K apprentissage hybride %K approche par les taches %K articulation pr¨¦sentiel/distanciel %K ¨¦valuation %K tache %K tache pr¨¦paratoire %K r¨¦troaction %K suivi personnalis¨¦ %U http://apliut.revues.org/571