%0 Journal Article %T E o Iphan retirou o v¨¦u da noiva e disse sim. Ecletismo e modernismo no edif¨ªcio Luciano Costa %A Renata Cabral %J Anais do Museu Paulista: Hist¨®ria e Cultura Material %D 2010 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %X They are rare the moments in the history of the politics for the preservation of heritage in brazil in which one can see the dimension of the conflict surrounding the attribution of value to a cultural good have significant repercussion, mobilising various agents. The case of the building Luciano Costa, in Recife, is an example of this kind. In this article we aim to present - through the interpretation of a complex web of discourses and actions - the preservationist polemic surrounding this building, a singular example of architecture, because it has two fa ades simultaneously, one Eclectic and one Modern. Largely unpublished, the technico-administrative documents of the 5a Superintend¨ºncia Regional (5th Regional Superintendency) and of the Departamento de Documenta o (Documentation Department) of Iphan, as well as those of the funda o do Patrim nio Hist¨®rico e Art¨ªstico de Pernambuco (foundation for the Historical and Artistic Heritage of Pernambuco), of the Diretoria de Projetos Especiais da Empresa de Urbaniza o do Recife (Special Projects Directory of the Urbanisation Company of Recife) and of the Minist¨¦rio P¨²blico de Pernambuco (Public Prosecutor of Pernambuco), were the main sources targeted. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27318881004