%0 Journal Article %T Presencia y visibilidad web de las universidades p¨²blicas espa olas %A Ordu£¿a-Malea %A Enrique %A Serrano-Cobos %A Jorge %A Ontalba-Ruip¨¦rez %A Jose Antonio %A Lloret-Romero %A Nuria %J Revista Espa£¿ola de Documentaci¨®n Cient¨ªfica %D 2010 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The evolution of size and visibility of the Spanish public universities websites according to various search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Live/Bing y Exalead) was studied from January to June 2009. Additionally, the article proposes two indicators for understanding the importance of a web domain: the Relative representativeness size factor (Rs) and the Relative representativeness visibility factor (Rv). These indicators, which consider the number of both documents and links, respectively, during a specific interval of time are intended to be applied in the design and construction of university rankings based on cybermetric techniques. The results confirm that the size differences among academic web domains vary significantly depending on the search engine used; therefore the use of a single web browser cannot supply reliable information about the actual size of the web domain. Moreover, the use of combined values from the mean obtained from each search engine does not offer reliable results, given the variance of data obtained from the different search engines, as well as the index differences of Rs. The differences concerning visibility were smaller, but significant nonetheless. Rs and Rv indicators were found to provide useful and consistent information about the level of development of universities on the Web during a given time interval. There was also a positive correlation between these two indicators on both Yahoo! and Exalead, confirming the relationship between the number of documents of an academic web domain and the number of links it receives over time. Se estudia la evoluci¨®n del tama o y visibilidad de los dominios web de las universidades p¨²blicas espa olas desde enero hasta junio de 2009 en funci¨®n de diversos buscadores web (Google, Yahoo!, Live/Bing y Exalead). Asimismo, se proponen el factor de representatividad relativa media en tama o (Rs) y el factor de representatividad relativa media en visibilidad (Rv) como indicadores para conocer la importancia de un dominio, en n¨²mero de documentos y de enlaces externos respectivamente, durante un intervalo temporal, con el prop¨®sito de ser aplicados en el dise o y construcci¨®n de rankings de universidades basados en t¨¦cnicas ciberm¨¦tricas. Los resultados confirman que las diferencias de tama o entre los dominios acad¨¦micos web son muy grandes seg¨²n el buscador utilizado, por lo que el uso de un ¨²nico buscador no permite conocer de forma fiable el tama o real de un dominio web. Adem¨¢s, el empleo de valores combinados a partir de la media obtenida en cada buscador no ofrece resultados fiables, dad %K Spanish public universities %K academic web domains %K web size %K web visibility %K Spain %K University ranking %K Universidades p¨²blicas espa olas %K dominios acad¨¦micos web %K tama o web %K visibilidad web %K Espa a %K ranking de universidades %U http://redc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/redc/article/view/554/628