%0 Journal Article %T Os encantos do arquivo e os trabalhos do historiador: reflex es a partir da cole o Marqu那s de Valen a %A Eide Sandra Azev那do Abr那u %J Anais do Museu Paulista: Hist車ria e Cultura Material %D 2011 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %X In this article reflections will be developed about issues concerning to the relations between subject and object of historical knowledge, from the reading experience and cataloging the documents of Cole o Marqu那s de Valen a, of Museu Paulista. Through exploration of versions of Estev o Ribeiro de Rezende's biography made by his son Estev o Ribeiro de Souza Rezende, elements are presented in order to think about different options of historical narrative, and its implications on the relation established by the historian with the sources, men of the past and readers of his own time. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27319113008