%0 Journal Article %T HABITUS DOCENTE: ¨¦ POSS¨ªVEL ENSINAR SOCIOLOGIA COM FORMA O EM OUTRAS ¨¢REAS? TEACHERS¡¯ HABITUS: IS IT POSSIBLE TO TEACH SOCIOLOGY WITH TRAINING IN OTHER AREAS? %A Carvalho %A Tatiane Kelly Pinto de %J Revista Eletr£¿nica de Educa£¿£¿o %D 2011 %I %X A educa o, como um dos pilares do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, cada vez mais se torna objeto de estudo na contemporaneidade. Isso se faz ainda mais necess¨¢rio quando nos referimos a uma disciplina como a Sociologia, ainda incipiente no contexto escolar. Dito isso, ¨¦ importante compreender as pr¨¢ticas docentes que os professores utilizam na realiza o de seu of¨ªcio, bem como as condi es de trabalho em que realizam suas atividades. Levando-se em considera o que o professor ¨¦ um indiv¨ªduo plural e heterog¨ºneo, pensamos que outros professores, com outras forma es acad¨ºmicas, podem lecionar a disciplina, pois a forma o docente n o ¨¦ o ¨²nico elemento capaz de guiar as pr¨¢ticas cotidianas em sala de aula, embora n o seja descartada para se lecionar. Isso porque o habitus docente ¨¦ constru¨ªdo na pr¨¢tica, nas experi¨ºncias, nas disposi es adquiridas ao longo da trajet¨®ria profissional. O saber e o fazer docentes, assim, adquirem papel central para se pensar a consolida o de uma disciplina que durante anos n o pertenceu ao curr¨ªculo escolar do Ensino M¨¦dio. Nosso objetivo, portanto, ¨¦ suscitar um debate sobre a constru o do habitus docente, bem como a importancia da forma o inicial no ensino de Sociologia. Education, as one of the basis of personal and professional development, increasingly becomes the object of study in contemporary times. This is even more necessary when referring to a discipline such as sociology, still in its infancy in the school context. Then, it is important to understand the teaching practices that teachers use while conducting their jobs, as well as their working conditions as they perform their activities. Taking into consideration that the teacher is a plural and heterogeneous person, we think that other teachers, with other academic backgrounds, can teach the subject, because teacher training is not the only element that is able to guide everyday practices in the classroom, although not discarded in order to teach. This is because the habitus is built by the teaching practice experiences, the provisions acquired throughout professional career. The teachers¡¯ knowhow, therefore, acquires a central role to think about the consolidation of a discipline that for years did not belong to the high school curriculum. Our objective therefore is to elucidate a debate on the construction of teaching habitus, and the importance of initial formation in Sociology teaching. %K Teaching Habitus %K training teachers %K Sociology %K Habitus docente %K forma o docente %K Sociologia %U http://www.reveduc.ufscar.br/index.php/reveduc/article/viewFile/267/145