%0 Journal Article %T Estudio de Propiedades F赤sicas y Viscoel芍sticas de Panes Elaborados con Mezclas de Harinas de Trigo y de Arroz Integral Study of Viscoelastic and Physical Properties of Breads Made with mixed Wheat and Brown Rice Flours %A Armando Alvis %A Luis J P谷rez %A Guillermo S Arrazola %J Informaci車n Tecnol車gica %D 2011 %I Centro de Informaci車n Tecnol車gica %X Se desarrollaron f車rmulas de panes, empleando proporciones de harina de trigo comercial marca "Tres Castillos" (50 a 90%) y harina de arroz integral comercial marca "Diana" (10 a 40%) y grasa entre 0 y 6 %. Se estudian las propiedades f赤sicas y viscoel芍sticas a trav谷s de t谷cnicas de medici車n simples para par芍metros f赤sicos, un an芍lisis de perfil de textura y la prueba de relajaci車n de esfuerzos. De los resultados se apreci車 que e l volumen espec赤fico es el par芍metro f赤sico m芍s representativo para los panes. Las propiedades de textura resultaron significativas para p<0.05 y oscilaron para dureza entre 4.0 a 10.7 N y elasticidad entre 9 a 12 mm y el ajuste del modelo de Peleg permiti車 corroborar la naturaleza viscoel芍stica del pan. Se concluy車, que se pueden obtener f車rmulas de panes de harina de trigo con harina de arroz integral que presenten propiedades f赤sicas y viscoel芍sticas aceptables y de buena calidad . New formulas for breads, using different proportions of commercial wheat flour of the brand "Tres Castillos" (50 a 90%) and brown rice flour trade mark of the brand "Diana" (10 a 40%), and fat from 0 to 6 %, have been formulated. Physical and viscoelastic properties are determined using simple techniques for measuring physical parameters and texture profile analysis and stress relaxation test for viscoelastic properties. From the results it was found that the specific volume is the most representative physical parameter for breads. The texture properties were highly significant at p <0.05 and for hardness ranged from 4.0 to 10.7 N and elasticity from 9 to 12 mm . The fitting to the Peleg model corroborated the viscoelastic nature of the breads. It was concluded that formulas for combining bread wheat flour with rice flour having acceptable physical and viscoelastic properties and of good quality can be obtained. %K pan %K arroz integral %K dureza %K elasticidad %K volumen espec赤fico %K bread %K brown rice %K hardness %K elasticity %K specific volume %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-07642011000400012