%0 Journal Article %T Composici車n Qu赤mica del Aceite de Almendras producidas por el 芍rbol Olleto (Lecythis minor DC) Chemical Composition of Almond Oil obtained from Olleto Trees (Lecythis minor DC) %A Jennifer J Lafont %A Elder A Calle %A Luis C Durango %J Informaci車n Tecnol車gica %D 2013 %I Centro de Informaci車n Tecnol車gica %X Se comparan dos m谷todos de extracci車n del aceite a partir de las almendras del 芍rbol conocido en el norte de Colombia con el nombre de olleto (Lecythis minor DC). Se analiz車 su composici車n qu赤mica y se determinaron algunas propiedades fisicoqu赤micas. Tambi谷n se realiz車 el an芍lisis proximal a la torta y la harina y se determin車 la presencia de metales en la almendra. Para extraer el aceite, las almendras fueron trituradas y sometidas a procesos de prensado y extracci車n con solvente. La composici車n qu赤mica del aceite se analiz車 mediante cromatograf赤a de gases acoplada a masas y los an芍lisis de metales se realizaron con un espectrofot車metro de absorci車n at車mica. Se encontr車 que el m谷todo de extracci車n m芍s eficiente fue el de solvente. La composici車n qu赤mica de la almendra, torta, harina y aceite, indicaron alto porcentaje en carbohidratos, prote赤na, fibra y minerales, importantes nutrientes que pueden ser empleados en la alimentaci車n humana y animal. Two methods of oil extraction from almonds produced by a tree known in the north region of Colombia as olleto (Lecythis minor DC) are compared. The chemical composition was analyzed and some physicochemical properties were determined. Also, proximal analysis of the cake and the flour was done and the presence of metals in the almond was determined. To extract the oil, the almonds were crushed and subjected to mechanical compression and to solvent extraction. The chemical composition of the oil was analyzed through gas chromatography coupled to mass and the analysis of metals was done with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. It was found that the most efficient method was solvent extraction. The chemical composition of the almond, cake, flour and oil indicated a high level of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and minerals, important nutrients that could be used for human and animal consumption. %K Lecythis minor DC %K almendras %K aceite %K an芍lisis proximal %K metales %K Lecythis minor DC %K almonds %K oil %K proximal analysis %K metals %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-07642013000100008