%0 Journal Article %T Regulation of cerebrospinal fluid production by caffeine consumption %A Myoung-Eun Han %A Hak-Jin Kim %A Young-Suk Lee %A Dong-Hyun Kim %A Joo-Taek Choi %A Chul-Sik Pan %A Sik Yoon %A Sun-Yong Baek %A Bong-Seon Kim %A Jae-Bong Kim %A Sae-Ock Oh %J BMC Neuroscience %D 2009 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-2202-10-110 %X In the present study we found that the long-term consumption of caffeine can induce ventriculomegaly; this was observed in 40% of the study rats. In the caffeine-treated rats with ventriculomegaly, there was increased production of CSF, associated with the increased expression of Na+, K+-ATPase and increased cerebral blood flow (CBF). In contrast to the chronic effects, acute treatment with caffeine decreased the production of CSF, suggesting 'effect inversion' associated with caffeine, which was mediated by increased expression of the A1 adenosine receptor, in the choroid plexus of rats chronically treated with caffeine. The involvement of the A1 adenosine receptor in the effect inversion of caffeine was further supported by the induction of ventriculomegaly and Na+, K+-ATPase, in A1 agonist-treated rats.The results of this study show that long-term consumption of caffeine can induce ventriculomegaly, which is mediated in part by increased production of CSF. Moreover, we also showed that adenosine receptor signaling can regulate the production of CSF by controlling the expression of Na+, K+-ATPase and CBF.Methylxanthine caffeine is present in many common beverages, and is widely consumed worldwide [1,4]. Caffeine consumption has been estimated to be 76 mg per person per day worldwide, as high as 238 mg per person per day in the United States and Canada, and more than 400 mg per person per day in Sweden and Finland [5,6]. Caffeine is absorbed rapidly after oral administration and distributed to various organs and tissues. In the liver, caffeine is metabolized to dimethyl- and monomethylxanthines, dimethyl and monomethyl uric acids, trimethyl- and dimethylallantoin, and uracil derivatives. Some metabolites of caffeine including 1,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline) and 1,7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine) have pharmacological activity similar to caffeine [4]. The half-life of caffeine is ~5 hours in humans and ~1 hour in rats [4,7].The main mechanism of action of caffei %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/10/110