%0 Journal Article %T CARLOS FUENTES Y SU INCURSI車N EN LA NARRATIVA POLICIAL Carlos Fuentes and his attempts at detective stories %A Jaime Alberto Galgani %J Alpha (Osorno) %D 2009 %I %X La 迆nica obra de Carlos Fuentes perteneciente al g谷nero policial es La cabeza de la hidra (1978). Centrada en las problem芍ticas asociadas con el contrabando de petr車leo hacia los Estados Unidos, durante la d谷cada de los 70, este relato se ubica en el contexto de la novela negra latinoamericana, presentando ciertos rasgos que la acercan al neopolicial. Con una notable hibridaci車n de g谷neros, se presenta la parodia narrativa de un detective que viene a ser la versi車n invertida, latinoamericana, de James Bond. El art赤culo indaga en la novela para determinar la funci車n que el g谷nero policial cumple en ella. The only work by Carlos Fuentes belonging to the detective story genre is La cabeza de la hidra (1978). This story, which centers on problems relating to oil smuggling into the United States during the 70s, is to be found within the contexts of the Latin-American black novel, presenting certain features which approximate the neo-detective narrative. With a remarkable hybridization of genres, the narrative parody of a detective is presented which happens to be the Latin-American opposite versi車n of James Bond. The article analyses the novel with the purpose of determining the function that the neo-detective genre performs in it. %K Hibridaci車n %K neopolicial %K novela negra latinoamericana %K parodia %K Hybridization %K neo-detective %K Latin-American black novel %K parody %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-22012009002900006