%0 Journal Article %T Behavioral and social effects of family violence in Mexican children Efectos conductuales y sociales de la violencia familiar en ni os mexicanos %A Martha Fr赤as Armenta %A Irma Rodr赤guez %A Jos谷 Concepci車n Gaxiola Romero %J Revista de Psicolog赤a %D 2003 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat車lica del Per迆 %X The aim of this study was tome asure effects of domestic violence on children, both child abuse and exposure to marital violence. 300 families were randomly selected in Hermosillo, Sonora, a northwestern Mexican city. Two members of each family were interviewed: the mother anda minor randomly selected among all their children. The research instrument collected demographicinformation, and information regarding mother's and parent's alcohol consumption, marital violence,child abuse, and child misconduct. A structural model was tested which estimated the effects ofchild abuse and exposure to marital violence on child problems. Results showed that the two forms of violence had repercussions on delinquent and antisocial behavior, produced attention problems,depression, anxiety, sadness and the manifestation of somatic symptoms. In addition, mother's education a level had a significant and negative effect on children's behavioral and social problemsand father's educational level inhibited their aggression against their wives. Alcohol consumption was positively related to child abuse. These results seems to indicate that both child abuse andexposure to marital violence rcsult in harmful consequences on children's behavior and well-being. Se examinan los efectos de la violencia dom谷stica en ni os. Se seleccionaron 300 familias al azaren la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, M谷xico. Se entrevist車 a dos miembros de cada familia: la madre y un menor al azar. Se aplic車 una bater赤a de instrumentos de informaci車n demogr芍fica: datos acerca del consumo de alcohol de los padres, agresiones del padre contra la madre, maltrato que recib赤an los menores de sus padres y los problemas de conducta infantiles. Al analizar estos datos se obtuvieron estad赤sticas univariadas. Posteriormente se examinaron las variables utilizando un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron que tanto el maltrato recibido como el ser testigo de la violencia que recib赤a la madre, tuvieron repercusiones en la conducta delictiva y antisocial de los menores. Los ni os presentaron problemas de atenci車n, ansiedad, depresi車n, timidez y somatizaci車n. El nivel educativo de la madre tuvo un efecto significativo en los problemas de conducta infantil. De la misma manera, la escolaridad de los maridos tuvo un efecto negativo en las agresiones que ellos dirig赤an contra sus esposas. El consumo de alcohol de los padres se relacion 車positivamente con el maltrato infantil. %K efectos del maltrato infantil %K conflicto intermarital %K depresi車n %K somatizaci車n %K M谷xico %U http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/psicologia/article/view/3718