%0 Journal Article %T Los inhibidores de corrosi車n %A God赤nez %A L. A. %A Meas %A Y. %A Ortega-Borges %A R. %A Corona %A A. %J Revista de Metalurgia %D 2003 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %X In this paper, we briefly describe the characteristics, cost and electrochemical nature of the corrosion phenomena as well as some of the technologies that are currently employed to minimize its effect. The main subject of the paper however, deals with the description, classification and mechanism of protection of the so-called corrosion inhibitors. Examples of the use of these substances in different aggressive environments are also presented as means to show that these compounds, or their combination, can in fact be used as excellent and relatively cheap technologies to control the corrosion of some metals. In the last part of the paper, the most commonly used techniques to evaluate the efficiency and performance of corrosion inhibitors are presented as well as some criteria to make a careful and proper selection of a corrosion inhibitor technology in a given situation. En este trabajo, se describe el fen車meno de la degradaci車n por corrosi車n electroqu赤mica de los metales, sus efectos y costos, as赤 como algunas de las t谷cnicas empleadas para minimizar su impacto. Se hace 谷nfasis en la descripci車n y mecanismo de acci車n de los inhibidores de corrosi車n y, con base en lo anterior, se plantea que el uso de estas substancias puede constituir un enfoque efectivo y relativamente barato para controlar la corrosi車n de algunos metales. En la 迆ltima parte del art赤culo, se discuten brevemente algunas de las t谷cnicas com迆nmente empleadas para evaluar la actuaci車n de los inhibidores de corrosi車n y algunos criterios generales para hacer una selecci車n apropiada de los mismos. %K Corrosion %K Corrosion inhibitors %K Evaluation techniques for corrosion inhibitors %K Corrosi車n %K Inhibidores de corrosi車n %K M谷todos de evaluaci車n de inhibidores de corrosi車n %U http://revistademetalurgia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/revistademetalurgia/article/view/325/327