%0 Journal Article %T Abundancia y riqueza espec赤fica de pulgones (Hemiptera: Aphididae) y sus parasitoides en diferentes genotipos y estados fenologicos del garbanzo Species richness and abundance of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and their parasitoids in different genotypes and at different growth stages of chickpea %A V. E. Mazzuferi %A A. Maidana %A P. Fichetti %A L. G. Hansen %J Agriscientia %D 2011 %I %X Los 芍fidos son insectos perjudiciales tanto por la succi車n de savia como por la transmisi車n de enfermedades. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron conocer las especies de 芍fidos y sus parasitoides presentes en diferentes genotipos de garbanzo, calcular la incidencia del parasitismo e informar sobre las fluctuaciones poblacionales de pulgones y parasitoides en relaci車n a los estados fenol車gicos del cultivo. El estudio se realiz車 durante 2006 y 2007 en San Marcos Sierras (C車rdoba). Se evaluaron siete l赤neas y dos cultivares sembrados en un dise o en bloques completamente aleatorizados con tres repeticiones. Cada 15 d赤as se colectaron manualmente 芍fidos y "momias" presentes en 10 plantas seleccionadas al azar, de cada genotipo y bloque. Se determinaron 13 especies de 芍fidos. En 2006 se observ車 mayor abundancia y riqueza de especies que en 2007. Las especies num谷ricamente dominantes fueron: Acyrthosiphon pisum y A. kondoi. Solamente cinco especies colonizaron el cultivo. El cultivar Cha aritos present車 la mayor abundancia de insectos en los dos a os agr赤colas, y los genotipos M60 y M75 mostraron la mayor riqueza de especies. En ambos a os, los pulgones estuvieron presentes durante la etapa reproductiva del cultivo. Se registraron tres especies de parasitoides y se estim車 un 35% de parasitismo total. Aphids may damage plants by sucking plant juices or by transmitting diseases. The aim of this study was to obtain further information about aphid species and their parasitoids in different genotypes of chickpea, calculate the incidence of parasitism and report on fluctuating populations (from aphids and parasitoid) in relation to plant phenology. The study was undertaken during 2006 and 2007 in San Marcos Sierras (Cordoba). Seven lines and two cultivars of chickpea were evaluated. Crop plots were planted following a completely randomized design block with 3 replicates. Every two weeks different developmental stages of aphids and "mummies" found in 10 plants randomly selected from each genotype and block were collected manually. Thirteen species of aphids were identified. In 2006 there was greater abundance and species richness than in 2007. The numerically dominant species were Acyrthosiphon pisum and A. kondoi. Only 5 species colonized the crop. Cha aritos presented the greatest abundance of insects in both years and M60 and M75 genotypes showed the greatest species richness. In both years, aphids were present during the reproductive stage. There were three species of parasitoids and parasitism was estimated at about 35%. %K Cicer arietinum %K Genotipos %K Acyrthosiphon pisum %K Acyrthosiphon kondoi %K Parasitoides %K Cicer arietinum %K Genotypes %K Acyrthosiphon pisum %K Acyrthosiphon kondoi parasitoids %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1668-298X2011000200001