%0 Journal Article %T Varifr n kommer d detta Jag? Jaget och Miget ur socialbehavioristisk synvinkel %A Lars-Erik Berg %J Utbildning & Demokrati : Tidsskrift f£żr Didaktik och Utbildningspolitik %D 2001 %I ?rebro University %X The concepts of ĦħIĦħ and ĦħmeĦħ, called by Mead Ħħthe two phases of personalityĦħ have been subjected to different interpretations. My definition starts with the temporal dimension. The ĦħIĦħ and the ĦħmeĦħ are seen as two corresponding functions arising in the human subject when taking the OtherĦŻs attitude towards Self. Thus both are social in origin. A frame of reference emerges where the ĦħIĦħ is the subjective, active and present aspect, and the ĦħmeĦħ is the objective, passive aspect in past tense. Consciousness (especially of the Self) consists in the two functions being erected as one system, where the ĦħIĦħ has the active capacity, always being partly guided by the ĦħmeĦħ. Dialectic functions of this Self concept are discussed, focusing social human construction of time as a consciously experienced phenomenon. Other aspects are (1) the conversational, stressed by Mead, (2) that the pair is conceptually interdependent and (3) that identity always contains non-identity and transcendence as well. %U http://www.oru.se/Extern/Forskning/Forskningsmiljoer/HumUS/Utbildning_och_Demokrati/Tidskriften/2001/Nr%203_2001_pdf/Lars-Erik%20Berg.pdf