%0 Journal Article %T Segmental Vitiligo In Northern India %A Handa Sanjeev %A Rai Ranju %A Kaur Inderjeet %J Indian Journal of Dermatology %D 2000 %I Medknow Publications %X Vitiligo is an acquired, progressive pigmentary disorder of the skin and hair, which is clinically divided into segmental and non-segmental types. Segmental vitiligo is said to have an early and rapid onset and is associated with a better prognosis as disease activity ceases early compared to the non-segmental type. We have analysed the clinical features of 100 patients of segmental vitiligo seen by use at our pigmentary clinic. The findings in our series are at variance from those reported earlier. Our cases of segmental vitiligo formed a lower proportion of the total vitiligo cases, showed an earlier age of onset, multiplicity of lesions. Progressive nature and comparatively lower incidence of poliosis. %U http://www.e-ijd.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5154;year=2000;volume=45;issue=1;spage=10;epage=13;aulast=Handa;type=0