%0 Journal Article %T A SUFI POET MAHREMI OF GAZIANTEP WHO LIVED IN GAZIANTEP IN THE 19TH CENTURY AND HIS WORK HIS THOUGHTS ABOUT REAL LOVE AND REAL BELOVED XIX. Y¨¹ZYIL ANTEPL MUTASAVVIF A R MAHREM VE D VANI¡¯NDA HAK K A K VE HAK K SEVG L TEZAH¨¹RLER %A Halil £¿brahim YAKAR %J Turkish Studies %D 2010 %I Turkish studies publisher %X A Sufi Poet Mahremi of Gaziantep Who Lived in Gaziantep in The 19th Century And His Work His Thoughts About Real Love And Real BelovedThis work is about the real love and real beloved in the poems published in the divan of a sufi poet Mahremi of Gaziantep who lived in Gaziantep in the 19th century, about whom no research has been done so far. First of all, the life of the poet was touched, then by analyzing the form and the style of his work his thoughts about real love and real beloved were going to determined.Mahrem wrote his poems in the traditional sufi religious literature. He wrote his poems in a plain and understandable poems with the aims of spreading his ideas in which he believed in a sincere way to his environment. He used his poems to explain love of God, love of prophet and Ehl-i Beyt, unity treatment, the philosphy of unity of entities (vahdet-i v¨¹cut), the idea of existence, religious treatments, and the struggle of wishes. The emphasis of real love seen almost in his all poems is related to his life and tarikat. It is possible to encounter to his all st lah of sufism system in all his poetry. The couplets he wrote which he transformed sufi senses into the words is convenient to sufi literature and content from the aspect of meaning and harmony. Mahrem didn¡¯t give place to another subjects except sufi senses and ideas. He wrote the proses about sufi path in order that the divine love reaches to its final aim. Every poem of Mahrem is related to Sufism in direct or indirect way. Every word said with the meaning of love is related to divine love. He reflected his emotions to his poems as a religious man. The lyrical aspect of divine love is seen in his all poems. He reflected the sufi ethic and manner to his poems. Bu ara t rma, XIX. y¨¹zy lda Antep¡¯te ya ayan ve bug¨¹ne kadar ¨¹zerinde bilimsel bir al ma yap lmayan mutasavv f air Mahrem ve Divan ¡¯ndaki hakik a k ve hakik sevgilinin, iirlerine yans mas hakk ndad r. al mada nce airin hayat ortaya konmu , sonra Divan¡¯ n n ekil ve ¨¹slup zellikleri incelenerek iirlerindeki hakik a k ve hakik sevgili hakk ndaki d¨¹ ¨¹nceleri tespit edilmi tir. Mahrem , din -tasavvuf edebiyat gelene i i inde kaleme ald iirlerinde, samimi olarak inand fikirleri evresine yaymak ve i indeki co kun duygular , lirizmle d a vurmak gayesiyle sade ve anla l r iirler s ylemi tir. Allah a k n , peygamber ve Ehl-i Beyt sevgisini, tevhid akidesini, varl k d¨¹ ¨¹ncesini, vahdet-i v¨¹cut felsefesini, din akideleri, nefis m¨¹cadelesini ifade i in, iiri bir vas ta olarak kullanm t r. Hemen b¨¹t¨¹n iirler %K Mahrem %K sofist poet %K divan %K Gaziantep Mahrem %K mutasavv f %K divan iiri %K Gaziantep %U http://turkishstudies.net/Makaleler/729550531_28yakar_halil_ibrahim.pdf