%0 Journal Article %T A SUGGESTION TO USE CASE BASED LEARNING METHOD IN TURKISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION (READING EDUCATION T¨ıRK E E T M NDE OLAYA DAYALI RENME Y NTEM N N KULLANIMINA Y NEL K B R NER (OKUMA E T M RNE ) %A Erhan DURUKAN %J Turkish Studies %D 2012 %I Turkish studies publisher %X Contemporary learning approaches gives importance not to conveying the information but to developing top level thinking skills such as analyzing and synthesizing, relating and problem solving. Among these skills, problem solving is important both for daily life and development of mental activities. One of the methods that can be used to develop problem solving skills in educating and teaching environments is case based learning method. Case based learning method ensures reallike world conditions / problematic situations are brought into the class and develops studentsĦŻ ability to produce solution suggestions to these problems. In this study, a suggestion is put forward regarding how case based learning method can be used in reading education which is one ofthe skills within Turkish language education a sample scenario is presented over a problem with a possibility to occur at primary education second stage level a da renme yakla mlar bilginin aktar lmas n de il; renenlerin analiz sentez yapma, ili ki kurma, problem zme gibi ¨ıst d¨ızey d¨ı ¨ınme becerilerinin geli tirilmesini n plana almaktad r. Bu beceriler i erisinde problem zme hem g¨ınl¨ık ya am hem de zihinsel faaliyetlerin geli imi a s ndan nem ta maktad r. E itim retim ortamlar nda problem zme becerilerini geli tirmede kullan labilecek y ntemlerden biri de olaya dayal renme y ntemidir. Olaya dayal renme y ntemi ger e e benzer d¨ınya ko ullar n n / problem durumlar n n s n f ortam na getirilmesini sa lamakta ve rencilerin bu problemler ¨ızerinde z¨ım nerileri ¨ıretebilmesini geli tirmektedir. Bu al mada da olaya dayal renme y nteminin T¨ırk e retiminin alt becerilerinden biri olan okuma e itimi ¨ızerinde nas l kullan labilece ine y nelik bir neri getirilmi ve ilk retim ikinci kademe d¨ızeyinde kar la labilecek bir problem ¨ızerinden rnek senaryo sunulmu tur. %K Turkish education %K case based learning %K problem solving %K reading education T¨ırk e e itimi %K olaya dayal renme %K problem zme %K okuma e itimi %U http://turkishstudies.net/Makaleler/287791537_26_durukanerhan_401-410.pdf