%0 Journal Article %T Las vivencias del paciente coronario en la unidad de cuidados cr¨ªticos The experience of the coronary patient in critical care %A Ma del Carmen Solano Ruiz %A Jos¨¦ Siles Gonz¨¢lez %J Index de Enfermer¨ªa %D 2005 %I Fundaci¨®n Index %X El objetivo de este estudio es describir la experiencia vivida de los pacientes que sufren una cardiopat¨ªa isqu¨¦mica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se trata de un dise o cualitativo de tipo fenomenol¨®gico descriptivo realizado en una muestra de 10 pacientes que padec¨ªan infarto agudo de miocardio o angina de pecho. La recogida de datos se realiz¨® a trav¨¦s de una entrevista semiestructurada. Para el an¨¢lisis de los datos se utiliz¨® el m¨¦todo de Giorgi (1985). Tras el an¨¢lisis la descripci¨®n general recoge dos temas principales: las sensaciones vividas por los pacientes en el momento del ingreso en la unidad, as¨ª como los principales sentimientos de des¨¢nimo, frustraci¨®n, injusticia, miedo y de carga familiar entre otros que aparecen durante la estancia en la misma. Estos hallazgos permitir¨¢n establecer unas actuaciones de enfermer¨ªa dirigidas a minimizar sentimientos negativos y favorecer una evoluci¨®n m¨¢s satisfactoria de su proceso de enfermedad. The objective describe the experience that patients with isquemic cardiopathy in the unit of intensive cares.This study is developed with a qualitative design of descriptive and phenomenologycal type, made in a sample of 10 patients who suffered acute infarct of myocardium or angina of chest. The collection of data was made through a interview semiestructured and the information was recorded in a magnetic tape. The data analysis process was developed with the method of Giorgi (1985). After the analysis the general description developed two main subjects: the sensations that had lived by the patients at the moment of the entrance in the unit, as well as the main feelings: downheart, frustration, injustice, fear and familiar load. These feelings appear during the stay in the same one. In this study we have been able to know with depth the experience felt by the patients with isquemic cardiopathy in the critical cares units, these findings will allow implementing the changes in order to diminish negative feelings and, also, we shall develop a more satisfactory evolution of their disease process. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1132-12962005000300006