%0 Journal Article %T Dynamics of species diversity of epiphytic lichenized fungi in the southern district of Moscow city 坏我扶忘技我抗忘 志我忱抉志抉忍抉 把忘戒扶抉抉忌把忘戒我攸 改扭我扳我找扶抑抒 抖我抒快扶我戒我把抉志忘扶扶抑抒 忍把我忌抉志 尾忪扶抉忍抉 抉抗把批忍忘 妙抉扼抗志抑 %A Biazrov Lev %J Principy 豕kologii %D 2013 %I Petrozavodsk State University %R 1234567 %X "The research was carried out in summer and autumn of 2006每2007 on the territory of the Southern district of Moscow city within the ambit of the Moscow ring road to collect the data about epiphytic lichen species composition and to compare them with the similar ones received in the same range in 1987每1991. On the trunks of the trees and on bushes with the height up to 2.5 m the representatives of 26 lichen species were found on at the beginning of 1990s. In 2006-2007 on the same territory the representatives of 54 epiphytic lichen species were found. The basic reason of the changes in the compositionof lichen biota revealed on the studied urban territory is eutrophication mainly nitrophication of lichen habitats in Moscow city." "孛快抖抆攻 我扼扼抖快忱抉志忘扶我攸, 扭把抉志快忱快扶扶抉忍抉 抖快找抉技 我 抉扼快扶抆攻 2006每2007 忍忍. 扶忘 找快把把我找抉把我我 尾忪扶抉忍抉 忘忱技我扶我扼找把忘找我志扶抉忍抉 抉抗把批忍忘 忍. 妙抉扼抗志抑 志 扭把快忱快抖忘抒 妙抉扼抗抉志扼抗抉抄 抗抉抖抆扯快志抉抄 忘志找抉忱抉把抉忍我, 忌抑抖 扼忌抉把 忱忘扶扶抑抒 抉 志我忱抉志抉技 扼抉扼找忘志快 改扭我扳我找扶抑抒 抖我扮忘抄扶我抗抉志 忱抖攸 扼把忘志扶快扶我攸 扼 忘扶忘抖抉忍我折扶抑技我 技忘找快把我忘抖忘技我, 扭抉抖批折快扶扶抑技我 扶忘 找抉抄 忪快 找快把把我找抉把我我 志 1987每1991 忍忍. 妖忘 扼找志抉抖忘抒 忱快把快志抆快志 我 抗批扼找忘把扶我抗抉志 忱抉 志抑扼抉找抑 2.5 技 志 扶忘折忘抖快 1990-抒 扶忘 抉忌扼抖快忱抉志忘扶扶抉抄 找快把把我找抉把我我 忌抑抖我 抉忌扶忘把批忪快扶抑 扭把快忱扼找忘志我找快抖我 26 志我忱抉志. 圾 2006每2007 忍忍. 扶忘 找抉抄 忪快 找快把把我找抉把我我 忌抑抖我 志扼找把快折快扶抑 扭把快忱扼找忘志我找快抖我 54 志我忱抉志 改扭我扳我找扶抑抒 抖我扮忘抄扶我抗抉志. 妍扼扶抉志扶抉抄 扭把我折我扶抉抄 批扼找忘扶抉志抖快扶扶抑抒 我戒技快扶快扶我抄 扼抉扼找忘志忘 抖我抒快扶抉忌我抉找抑 扶忘 我戒批折快扶扶抉抄 找快把把我找抉把我我 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 改志找把抉扳我抗忘扯我攸 忍抖忘志扶抑技 抉忌把忘戒抉技 扶我找把抉扳我抗忘扯我攸 技快扼找抉抉忌我找忘扶我抄 抖我扮忘抄扶我抗抉志 志 忍. 妙抉扼抗志快." %K 改扭我扳我找扶抑快 抖我扮忘抄扶我抗我 %K 把忘戒扶抉抉忌把忘戒我快 %K 技抉扶我找抉把我扶忍 %K 妙抉扼抗志忘 %K 扶我找把抉扳我找抑 %K 改志找把抉扳我抗忘扯我攸 %K 扶我找把抉扳我抗忘扯我攸 %K epiphytic lichens %K species diversity %K monitoring %K Moscow city %K nitrophytes %U http://ecopri.ru/journal/article.php?id=1961