%0 Journal Article %T STUDY OF DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE SPEECH SCALE ETK L KONU MA L E : B R L EK GEL T RME ALI MASI %A Derya £¿£¿NTA£¿ YILDIZ %A Mustafa YAVUZ %J Turkish Studies %D 2012 %I Turkish studies publisher %X Language is the most important part of culture. Because of that language is made up of writing and oral expressions, it implies that these expressions should be analyze in detail. In general, the people express theirselves orally in their daily lives. That¡¯s why, oral expression should be made more effective. The goal of the study is to develop a measuring tool that can measure oral ability reliable and valid. The working group of this research has 342 students who get teaching formation education at Selcuk University of Konya City in Turkey. There are 230 female studens and 112 male students in this group. The students were wanted to evaluate the speak of the academic staff who did in previous lecture. Scale items were prepared by doing literat¨¹re survey and getting comments of consultants. 111 items of the scale were reduced to 24 items after doing reliability and validity analyses and getting advices of consultants. In the scale, there are 20 items that can show positive situaitons and 4 items that show negative situations. The negative items of the scale are being pointed reversibly.To prove the validity of the scale, factor analyses that anatomize and confirm. The validity of scale was made by applying Cronbach alpha, Spearman Brown, Gutmann Split-Half Techniques, corrected item correlations and calculating the t-test values which are related with the 27 percent of up-down difference. After these, it was concluded that this scale is safe and valid. Dil, bir toplumun k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹n¨¹n en nemli unsurudur. Dilin yaz l ve s zl¨¹ anlat mdan olu mas , bu iki anlat m t¨¹r¨¹n¨¹n ayr nt l bi imde incelenmesi gere ini ortaya karm t r. nsanlar n g¨¹nl¨¹k hayatta kendilerini daha ok konu arak ifade etmeleri, konu ma becerisinin daha etkili hale getirilmesini gerektirmektedir. Bu ara t rman n amac ,etkili konu ma becerisini l ebilecek g¨¹venilir ve ge erli bir l me arac geli tirmektir. Ara t rman n rneklemini 2010-2011 e itim- retim y l nda Sel uk ¨¹niversitesinde retmenlik formasyon e itimi alan 342 renci olu turmaktad r. rneklemde yer alan rencilerin 230¡¯u k z, 112¡¯si erkektir. rencilerden bir nceki derslerine giren retim eleman n n konu mas n de erlendirmeleri istenmi tir. l ek maddeleri ara t rmac lar taraf ndan ilgili alan yaz n taranarak ve uzman g r¨¹ lerine ba vurularak haz rlanm t r. 111 maddeden olu an l e in ilk hali, uzman g r¨¹ leri ve ger ekle tirilen ge erlik-g¨¹venirlik analizleri sonucunda 24 maddeye indirilmi tir. Maddelerin 20¡¯si olumlu, 4¡¯¨¹ olumsuz yarg i ermektedir. l e in olumsuz yarg i eren maddeleri ters puanlanmaktad r. l %K Speech ability %K effective speech scale %K developing scale Konu ma becerisi %K etkili konu ma l e i %K l ek geli tirme %U http://turkishstudies.net/Makaleler/1397690539_21_%C3%A7inta%C5%9Fy%C4%B1ld%C4%B1zderya_yavuzmustafa_319-334.pdf