%0 Journal Article %T Sainte-Bernardette du Banlay, Nevers %A Christophe Joly %A Orlane Brault %A Paul Barnoud %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2009 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.6444 %X Construite par Claude Parent et Paul Virilio en 1964-1965, l¡¯¨¦glise Sainte-Bernadette du Banlay t¨¦moigne de leurs travaux sur la fonction oblique. L¡¯¨¦difice fut ¨¦difi¨¦ ¨¤ l¡¯issue d¡¯un concours d¡¯architecture lanc¨¦ en 1963 par Mgr Vial et l¡¯Abb¨¦ Bourgoin, cur¨¦ de la paroisse. L¡¯¨¦glise est inspir¨¦e de l¡¯architecture des bunkers. Deux coques de b¨¦ton s¡¯imbriquent l¡¯une dans l¡¯autre en se d¨¦calant par rapport ¨¤ l¡¯axe longitudinal. L¡¯apparence g¨¦n¨¦rale est un ¨¦difice monolithique, qui ¨¦voque un rocher. ¨¢ l¡¯int¨¦rieur, deux grands plans obliques paraissent exhum¨¦s pour constituer la nef et le ch ur. En relation ¨¦troite avec la grotte des apparitions de Lourdes, l¡¯¨¦glise est construite comme une crypte suspendue dont la coupe adopte la forme d¡¯un c ur. Par le choix de mat¨¦riaux bruts et d¡¯un ¨¦clairage z¨¦nithal, les architectes conf¨¨rent ¨¤ l¡¯ensemble une ¨¦tonnante intimit¨¦. C¡¯est par l¡¯opposition entre le volume ext¨¦rieur aust¨¨re et ferm¨¦ et l¡¯espace int¨¦rieur accueillant et protecteur que les concepteurs expriment la nouvelle fonction d¡¯une ¨¦glise con ue dans une p¨¦riode d¡¯incertitude et de tensions. The Sainte-Bernadette du Banlay church at Nevers was built from 1964 to 1965 to the designs of the architects Claude Parent and Paul Virilio, working on their theme of the oblique function. It was the fruit of an architectural competition organised in 1963 by Monseigneur Vial and the Abb¨¦ Bourgoin, the parish priest. The church¡¯s architecture is inspired by that of defensive bunkers. Two reinforced concrete shells are joined the one into the other but out of true on a longitudinal axis. The overall appearance of the church is that of a monolithic block, something like a rock. Inside, two large oblique planes seem to emerge to create the nave and the chancel. Closely related to the Lourdes grotto of the Virgin¡¯s appearances, the church is designed as a suspended crypt which adopts the shape of a heart in its cross section. By using untreated concrete and sky lighting, the architects succeeded in giving an astonishing intimacy to the church. There is a striking opposition between the austere exterior volume and the welcoming and protective space inside. The architects expressed a new function for the church in an age of uncertainty and tension. %K stained glass %K Ambon %K principle architecture %K baptistery %K ballast %K bunker %K concrete %K raw concrete %K Brutalism %K shells %K catholic church %K cryptic church %K fortified church %K light slit %K oblique function %K grotto %K cold war %K hexagon %K lantern %K sloping plane %K plexiglas %K structure %K Vatican II %K altar %K vitrail %K grotte %K Ambon %K autel %K architecture principe %K baptist¨¨re %K ballast %K bunker %K b¨¦ton %K b¨¦ton brut %K brutalisme %K coques %K ¨¦glise catholique %K ¨¦difice cryptique %K ¨¦glise fortifi¨¦e %K fent %U http://insitu.revues.org/6444