%0 Journal Article %T Acci車n vaso-perif谷rica del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Clusia coclensis (Clusiaceae) %A Mildred Garc赤a-Gonz芍lez %J Revista de Biolog赤a Tropical %D 1998 %I Universidad de Costa Rica %X Se inyect車 extracto acuoso de hojas de Clusia coclensis en dosis de 40 mg/kg por v赤a endovenosa en el tren posterior aislado de 6 ratas normotensas (SDN) y 6 ratas hipertensas (SHR). El extracto provoc車 en ambas cepas de ratas una reducci車n significativa del retorno venoso. Se concluye que el extracto de Clusia provoca un efecto vasoconstrictor perif谷rico, por lo que el efecto hipotensor y anti-hipertensivo encontrado anteriormente, podr赤a ser atribuido a un efecto directo sobre el miocardio, mediante una disminuci車n en la fuerza de la contracci車n card赤aca (efecto inotr車pico negativo). Aqueous leaf extract of Clusia coclensis was applied at a dose of 40 mg/kg intravenously to isolated posterior extremities of six normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats and six Spontaneously Hipertensive rats anaesthetized with sodium nembutal. The perfusion was done in the abdominal artery using as carrier Krebs bicarbonate ringer at 37 ∼C and keeping constant perfusion pressures of 100 mmHg in normotensive rats and 150 mmHg in hipertensive ratas. The venous return was measured in the inferior vena cava. The extract induced a significant reduction of the venous return begining 2 min after application, in both rat types. This may reflect a peripheral vasoconstriction that, in whole organism,would have an hipertensive effect. Therefore, the mechanism of the alledgedly systemic hipotensive effect of the aqueous extract of Clusia coclensis leafs resides probably at a central level, probably acting by a reduction of the contractibility of the myocardium. %K Clusia coclensis %K Guttiferae %K cardiovascular effects %K traditional medicine %K herbal medicine %K hypertension %K leg perfusion %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-77441998000300010