%0 Journal Article %T Phagodeterrence by Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae) wood extract fractions on Hypsipyla grandella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae %A Francisco Soto %A Luko Hilje %A Gerardo A Mora %A Manuel Carballo %J Revista de Biolog¨ªa Tropical %D 2011 %I Universidad de Costa Rica %X In Latin America and the Caribbean, precious wood species like mahoganies (Swietenia spp.) and cedars (Cedrela spp.) are seriously injured by the mahogany shootborer, Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larva, which bores into the main shoot of trees. In previous experiments focused on searching for a preventive method for managing this pest, a wood extract of bitterwood, Quassia amara L. ex Blom (Simaroubaceae) had been shown to cause phagodeterrence to larvae. Therefore, three fractions (water, methanol and diethyl ether) of a wood extract were tested for their phagodeterrence to larvae, by means of laboratory and greenhouse trials. Phagodeterrence was assessed by determining their effect on foliage consumption, mortality and signs of damage (number of orifices, sawdust piles, fallen shoots, number of tunnels and tunnel length) caused by larvae on Spanish cedar (C. odorata). Both the methanol and diethyl ether fractions caused phagodeterrence, by strongly reducing foliage consumption and signs of damage, while not causing larval mortality. The lowest concentration at which phagodeterrence was detected for the methanol fraction corresponded to 0.0625%, which is equivalent to a 1.0% of the bitterwood crude extract. However, results with the diethyl ether fraction were unsatisfactory, as none of the treatments differed from the solvent, possibly because of an adverse effect of the solvent on foliar tissues. Phagodeterrent principles from Q. amara derivatives may play an important role in dealing with H. grandella if they are complemented with other integrated pest management preventative tactics. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 487-499. Epub 2011 March 01. En Am¨¦rica Latina y el Caribe, algunas especies que son fuente de maderas preciosas, como las caobas (Swietenia spp.) y cedros (Cedrela spp.), son seriamente da adas por la larva de Hypsipyla grandella, la cual barrena el brote principal de los ¨¢rboles. En experimentos previos orientados hacia la b¨²squeda de un m¨¦todo preventivo para manejar esta plaga, un extracto de la madera de hombre grande, Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae), hab¨ªa demostrado causar fagodisuasi¨®n a la larva. Por tanto, tres fracciones de un extracto de la madera de dicho ¨¢rbol (agua, metanol y ¨¦ter diet¨ªlico) fueron evaluadas en cuanto a su efecto fagodisuasivo sobre las larvas, mediante experimentos de laboratorio e invernadero. Dicho efecto se determin¨® seg¨²n el consumo de follaje, la mortalidad y los signos de da o (n¨²mero de orificios, mont¨ªculos, brotes ca¨ªdos, n¨²mero y longitud de t¨²neles) causados por las larvas en ar %K Hypsipyla grandella %K barrenador de meli¨¢ceas %K Hypsipyla grandella %K mahogany shootborer %K plant extracts %K Quassia amara %K bitterwood %K phagodeterrence %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-77442011000100042