%0 Journal Article %T La nueva salud p¨²blica %A Benito Narey Ramos Dom¨ªnguez %J Revista Cubana de Salud P¨²blica %D 2000 %I Centro Nacional de Informaci¨®n de Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X Se describe el surgimiento y la evoluci¨®n hist¨®rica de las categor¨ªas: Medicina Cl¨ªnica, Salud P¨²blica, Medicina Social y otras. Se se ala el inter¨¦s de varios autores en precisar cu¨¢l de ellas debe ser integradora de las dem¨¢s, prevaleciendo el criterio de se alar como tal a Salud P¨²blica. Ella surge con el nombre de Higiene P¨²blica y, a causa de la amplitud e importancia que progresivamente va tomando, se reconoce, ya en el siglo XIX, el t¨¦rmino Salud P¨²blica y desde la primera parte del presente siglo como Ciencia Social Integradora de M¨²ltiples Disciplinas, cuya esencia es la salud de la poblaci¨®n. The emergence and historical development of the categories clinical medicine, public health, social medicine and others are described in this paper. the interest of a number of authors in determining which of these categories should comprise the others is pointed out, being the preveiling criteria that public health should be the integrating category. it emerged under the name of public hygiene and as a result of its progressive extension and importance, the term public health was already recognized in the 19th century and since the first part of the present century it was accepted as a comprehensive social science of multiple disciplines whose essence is the population' health. %K POLITICA DE SALUD %K SALUD PUBLICA %K ESCUELAS DE SALUD PUBLICA %K HEALTH POLICY %K PUBLIC HEALTH %K SCHOOLS %K PUBLIC HEALTH %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-34662000000200001