%0 Journal Article %T New evidence on the spatial organisation of the Valencina de la Concepci車n Copper Age settlement: geophysical survey between La Pastora and Montelirio %A Wheatley %A David %A Strutt %A Kristian %A Garc赤a Sanju芍n %A Leonardo %A Mora Molina %A Coronada %J Trabajos de Prehistoria %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %R 10.3989/tp.2012.12080 %X The major Copper Age settlement of Valencina de la Concepci車n has been the subject of research interest over more than a century. The history of previous investigations at the site has resulted in a heterogeneous archaeological record that is particularly difficult and that displays significant gaps and problems. In this paper, we present the results of a geophysical survey carried out in December 2004 between the La Pastora and Montelirio sectors of this site in response to a proposed road development that was never put into practice, and which revealed several previously unknown features. These data are assessed in the light of the results obtained from the excavation carried out between 2007 and 2008 at the immediately adjacent sector of PP4-Montelirio, currently under study by us, where several dozen prehistoric features (both, non-megalithic and megalithic, funerary and non-funerary), were found. Altogether, this new evidence makes a significant contribution to the spatial interpretation of the Valencina de la Concepci車n site, particularly as they convey the first-ever cartography of a large area of this settlement. From this evidence, a discussion is made concerning the density and diversity of the features identified both between La Pastora and Montelirio as well as at the PP4-Montelirio sector, their potential patterns and sequence. This raises questions regarding the traditional separation of the site into &settlement* and &necropolis* areas and contributes more generally to a better understanding of the spatial organisation of this large prehistoric settlement. El gran asentamiento de la Edad del Cobre de Valencina de la Concepci車n ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones a lo largo de m芍s de un siglo. Estas investigaciones han dado lugar a un registro arqueol車gico heterog谷neo particularmente dif赤cil de interpretar, y que presenta importantes vac赤os y problemas. En este art赤culo se exponen los resultados de una prospecci車n geof赤sica realizada en diciembre de 2004 entre los sectores de La Pastora y Montelirio en conexi車n con el proyecto de construcci車n de una carretera que finalmente nunca se llev車 a cabo. Estas prospecciones revelaron numerosas estructuras previamente desconocidas. Los datos de esta prospecci車n geof赤sica son valorados a la luz de los resultados obtenidos en la excavaci車n llevada a cabo entre 2007 y 2008 en el sector inmediatamente adyacente de PP4-Montelirio, actualmente en proceso de estudio por nuestra parte, donde se identificaron varias decenas de estructuras prehist車ricas (negativas no-megal赤ticas y megal赤ticas, funera %K Copper Age %K Iberia %K Geophysics %K Magnetometry %K Megaliths %K Negative Features %K Archaelogy of management %K Edad del Cobre %K Iberia %K Geof赤sica %K Magnetometr赤a %K Megalitos %K Estructuras Negativas %K Arqueolog赤a de gesti車n %U http://tp.revistas.csic.es/index.php/tp/article/view/568/588