%0 Journal Article %T Fundamentos 谷ticos y patri車ticos de la Medicina Cubana Ethic and patriotic foundations of Cuban medicine %A Juan F. Ortiz Estrada %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 1999 %I ECIMED %X Se realiz車 una investigaci車n de car芍cter hist車rico apoyada en revisiones bibliogr芍ficas de diferentes tipos para estudiar las ra赤ces y desarrollo de las ciencias m谷dicas en Cuba y su relaci車n con el quehacer sociopol赤tico y el surgimiento de la nacionalidad cubana. Se establecieron las cualidades fundamentales que han caracterizado a 谷sta y su profunda relaci車n con la situaci車n actual de nuestro pa赤s. Se plante車 la necesidad de trasmitir estos conocimientos a nuestros profesionales y estudiantes con vistas a reforzar el trabajo educativo e ideol車gico con ellos. An investigation with historical character based on bibliographic reviews of different types was made to study the roots and development of medical sciences in Cuba and its relationship with the sociopolitical activity and the emergence of the Cuban nationality. The fundamental qualities that have characterized it and its deep relationship with the present situation of our country were established. It was stressed the need to convey this knowledge to our professionals and students aimed at strengthening the educative and ideological work with them. %K HISTORIA DE LA MEDICINA %K ETICA MEDICA %K CUBA %K HISTORY OF MEDICINE %K ETHICS %K MEDICAL %K CUBA %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0138-65571999000100011