%0 Journal Article %T SOFTWARE RETAILERS FROM BRA OV AND THE ONLINE STORES %A Axenia Bianca BOITOR %J Management & Marketing %D 2012 %I Universitaria Press Craiova %X This paper presents the factors that influence the online marketing strategies of software vendors from Bra ov County. An analysis of the software retailers¡¯ attitudes from Bra ov regarding online marketing and advertising was made. A survey among vendors from Bra ov was undertaken and the results of this research show an orientation of lesser extent to online sales and marketing of the retailers¡¯ activity. 20 responses were collected from software companies which trade software products and services in Bra ov County. The results are very important for the companies that sell software products and services not only on the local market but also at national level. The paper presents the main reasons why software retailers from Bra ov County, which is one of the most developed software markets in the country, have a lesser orientation towards online selling of software products and services. More than 400 companies involved in the software domain operate in Bra ov City only. Research questions regarding the effects of the present economic situation, the online marketing strategies used in the software industry, and details about the online activity of each company where part of this research. %K research %K strategy %K website %K software %K online sales %U http://www.mnmk.ro/documents/2012-secondpart/17-12-2-12-FFF.pdf