%0 Journal Article %T Pitiriasis rubra pilaris asociada a artritis reumatoidea: Presentaci車n de 1 caso %A Marisela Moreira Preciado %A Jos谷 G. D赤az Almeida %A Aylet P谷rez L車pez %A Magaly Colom谷 Escobar %J Revista Cubana de Medicina %D 2000 %I ECIMED %X Se present車 1 caso de pitiriasis rubra pilaris eritrod谷rmica de 10 a os de evoluci車n en 1 paciente de 74 a os de edad. Se observ車 que la enfermedad cut芍nea se asoci車 con artritis reumatoidea lo que hizo pensar a los autores en el posible papel etiol車gico de los factores inmunol車gicos en la pitiriasis rubra pilaris. Durante su evoluci車n tambi谷n se present車 un carcinoma papilar de vejiga, queratosis seborreicas m迆ltiples, n車dulo lar赤ngeo benigno, carcinomas basales y un queratoacantoma. Se impuso tratamiento con methotrexate, pero no result車 satisfactorio para su PRP. Se obtuvo una buena respuesta con el etretinato The case of a 74-year-old patient with pityriasis rubra pilaris of 10 years of evolution was presented. It was observed that the skin disease was associated with rheumatoid arthritis, which made the authors think about the possible etiologic role played by the immunological factors in pityriasis rubra pilaris. A bladder papillary carcinoma, mutiple seborrheic keratosis, a laryngeal bening tumor, basal carcinomas and a keratoacanthoma appeared during its evolution. The patient received treatment with methotrexate, but it was not successful for its PRP. A good response was observed with etretinate %K ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE %K PITIRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K PITIRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K PITIRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K ETRETINATO %K ARTHRITIS %K RHEUMATOID %K PITYRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K PITYRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K PITYRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS %K ETRETINATE %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232000000300007