%0 Journal Article %T Comportamiento de la densidad mineral 車sea en mujeres con artritis reumatoidea Behavior of the osteal mineral density in women with rheumatoid arthritis %A Ana del Carmen Arg邦elles Zayas %A Adalberto Infante Amor車s %A Rosa Mar赤a Flores S芍nchez %A Reinaldo Denis de Armas %J Revista Cubana de Medicina %D 2004 %I ECIMED %X Se estudiaron 40 pacientes del sexo femenino, premenop芍usicas, menores de 45 a os, con diagn車stico establecido de artritis reumatoidea seg迆n criterios del Colegio Americano de Reumatolog赤a y todas con tratamiento de esteroides, con un equipo de densitometr赤a 車sea por ultrasonido del calc芍neo. Al analizar el promedio de t-score (como marcador de osteoporosis), encontramos que el valor m芍s bajo de fue de - 4,5 y el m芍ximo de -1,5. Se emple車 el test estad赤stico t -Student para comparar los promedio del t-score seg迆n: dosis, tiempo de tratamiento con esteroides y tiempo de evoluci車n de la enfermedad. Se encontr車 osteoporosis en 23 pacientes que tomaban m芍s de 20 mg de esteroides; en 27 con m芍s de 5 a os de tratamiento con esteroides; y en 23 con m芍s de 5 a os de evoluci車n de la enfermedad. Al explorar el antecedente de fractura y relacionarlo con el tiempo de tratamiento y la dosis de esteroides encontramos que 9 pacientes (81,8 %) con m芍s de 5 a os de tratamiento y 6 (54,5 %) con m芍s de 20 mg de esteroides tienen antecedente de fractura. 40 premenopausic female patients under 45 with established diagnosis of rheumatoid athritis according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology were studied. They were all under treatment with steroids with an equipment of osteal densitometry by ultrasound of the calcaneus. On analyzing the t-score average (as osteoporosis marker), we found that the lowest value was - 4.5 and the maximum -1.5. The t-Student statistical test was used to compare the t-score average according to: dose, time of treament with steroids and time of evolution of the disease. Osteoporosis was detected in 23 patients that received more than 20 mg of steroids, in 27 with more than 5 years of treatment with steroids, and in 23 with more than 5 years of evolution of the disease. On exploring the antecedent of fracture and relate it to the time of treatment and to the dose of steroids we observed that 9 patients (81-8 %) with more than 5 years of treatment and 6 (54.5 %) with more than 20 mg of steroids had had fractures. %K Artritis %K densidad mineral 車sea %K esteroides %K Arthritis %K osteal mineral density %K steroids %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232004000500004