%0 Journal Article %T Linfadenitis necrotizante histiocitaria o enfermedad de Kikuchi-Fujimoto: A prop車sito de 2 observaciones Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis or Kikuchi-Fujimoti disease: Apropos of two observations %A Tamara Guerra Alfonso %A Julio D. Fern芍ndez 芍guila %A Maritza Cabrera Zamora %A Juli芍n Viera Yaˋiz %J Revista Cubana de Medicina %D 2007 %I ECIMED %X La linfadenitis necrotizante histiocitaria o enfermedad de Kikuchi-Fujimoto es un proceso benigno poco frecuente. Se presentaron 2 casos diagnosticados con poco tiempo de aparici車n entre uno y otro. El primero fue una mujer blanca, de 26 a os, con astenia, p谷rdida de peso, sudaci車n nocturna, escalofr赤os, prurito generalizado y anorexia. Al realizar examen cl赤nico se demostr車 la presencia de adenopat赤as y en los ex芍menes de laboratorio no se hall車 nada significativo. Se obsevaron varias estructuras ganglionares peque as con preservaci車n parcial de la citoarquitectura y cambios hiperpl芍sticos ligeros. El segundo paciente, un hombre negro, de 34 a os, que se present車 con fiebre vespertina, escalofr赤os, odinofagia, cefalea y dolores articulares. Se observ車 orofaringe enrojecida con aumento del tama o de las am赤gdalas, sin exudados y adenopat赤as en la cadena lateral derecha del cuello y submaxilares. No se encontr車 ning迆n resultado anormal en los estudios de laboratorio y en el examen histol車gico del ganglio se observ車 preservaci車n casi total de su arquitectura, con cambios hiperpl芍sticos corticales y paracorticales. Se observ車 remisi車n cl赤nica espont芍nea en ambos enfermos. Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis or Kikuchi-Fujimoti disease is a rare benign process. Two cases diagnosed with little time of appearance between one and other were presented. The first one was a 26-year-old white female with asthenia, weight loss, night sweating, chills, generalized pruritus and anorexia. On the physical examination, it was proved the presence of adenopathies, and nothing signficant was found in the lab tests. Various small ganglionar structures with partial preservation of the citoarchitecture and mild hyperplastic changes were observed. The second patient, a 34-year-old black male, presented morning fever, chills, odynophagia, headache and articular pain. It was deteced a reddened oropharynx with increase of the size of the tonsills , without exudates and adenopathies on the right lateral chain of the neck and submaxilla . No abnormal result was reported in the lab studies. In the histological examination of the ganglion, it was observed a nearly total preservation of its architecture, with hyperplastic cortical and paracortical changes. A spontaneous clinical remission was noticed in both patients. %K Linfadenitis %K adenopat赤as %K causas %K enfermedad de Kikuchi. %K Lymphadenitis %K adenopathies %K causes %K Kikuchi disease. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232007000100011