%0 Journal Article %T Evoluci車n electrofisiol車gica de un grupo de pacientes con Polineuropat赤a Desmielinizante Inflamatoria Cr車nica primaria y secundaria Electrophysiological evolution of a group of patients with primary and secondary CIPD %A Ayme谷 Hern芍ndez Hern芍ndez %J Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomˋˋdicas %D 2008 %I ECIMED %X Introducci車n: La Polineuropat赤a Desmielinizante Inflamatoria Cr車nica (CIDP) es tiene diferentes formas cl赤nicas de presentaci車n; la forma idiop芍tica y la relacionada con enfermedades concurrentes. Los estudios neurofisiol車gicos juegan un papel determinante en el diagn車stico. Objetivos: Nos propusimos comparar la evoluci車n electrofisiol車gica a trav谷s del an芍lisis de las variables evaluadas a trav谷s del estudio de conducci車n nerviosa de un grupo de pacientes con CIDP primaria y secundaria en dos momentos evolutivos de la enfermedad. Metodos: Se estudiaron 9 pacientes con CIDP primaria 6 con CIDP relacionada con diabetes mellitus, esclerosis m迆ltiple y adenocarcinoma. Se les realiz車 estudio de conducci車n nerviosa de los nervios de extremidades, en el momento del diagn車stico de la enfermedad y al a o de tratamiento. Se compararon las variables electrofisiol車gicas en ambos momentos utilizando t谷cnicas de estad赤stica no param谷tricas. Resultados: Los pacientes con CIDP primaria mostraron mejor赤a evolutiva de las variables electrofisiol車gicas, con normalizaci車n del estudio en dos casos. Mientras que en los pacientes con CIDP secundaria existi車 empeoramiento. Conclusiones: Concluimos que los pacientes con CIDP secundaria muestran una evoluci車n electrofisiol車gica t車rpida con pron車stico reservado. Introduction: Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) has different forms of presentation; the idiopathic form and that related to concurrent diseases. The neurophysiological studies play a fundamental role in the diagnosis. Objetives: We proposed to compare the electrophysiological evolution by analyzing the variables evaluated through the nervous conduction study of a group of patients with primary and secondary CIDP at two evolutive moments of the disease. Methods: 9 patients with primary CIDP and 6 with CIDP related to diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and adenocarcinoma were studied. A nervous conduction study of the nerves of the extremities was performed at the moment of the diagnosis of the disease and a year after treatment. The electrophysiological variables were compared in both moments by using nonparametric statistical techniques. Results: The patients with primary CIDP showed evolutive improvement of the electrophysiological variables with normalization of the study in two cases. Patients with secondary CIDP got worse. Conclusions: It was concluded that patients with secondary CIDP showed a torpid electrophysiological evolution with reserved prognosis. %K CIDP primaria %K CIDP secundaria %K estudios neurofisiol車gicos %K estudio de conducci車n nerviosa %K evoluci車n electrofisiol車gica %K polirradiculopat赤a inflamatoria cr車nica %K Primary CIDP %K secondary CIDP %K neurophysiological studies %K nervous conduction study %K electrophysiological evolution %K chronic inflammatory polyradiculopathy %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03002008000100007