%0 Journal Article %T Asociaci車n patomorfol車gica y morfom谷trica de la lesi車n ateroscler車tica en siete diferentes sectores arteriales Pathomorphological and morphometric association of the atherosclerotic lesion in seven different arterial sectors %A Alain Serra Ortega %A Jos谷 Fern芍ndez-Britto Rodr赤guez %A R Campos %J Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomˋˋdicas %D 2008 %I ECIMED %X Se investigaron 460 necropsias de pacientes procedentes del Hospital Docente "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", realizadas entre 1999 y 2003. Se analizaron 18 arterias procedentes de los siete sectores vasculares siguientes: el pol赤gono de Willis, considerado como una sola arteria, las tres coronarias epic芍rdicas (derecha, descendente anterior y circunfleja izquierda), la aorta (tor芍cica y abdominal), las renales, las il赤acas y las femorales. Para el estudio patomorfol車gico y morfom谷trico se utiliz車 el sistema aterom谷trico. Las arterias se disecaron, se fijaron, se colorearon y se les realizaron los an芍lisis cualitativo y cuantitativo para el estudio estad赤stico mediante la correlaci車n can車nica. Entre los resultados m芍s relevantes se observaron muy fuertes correlaciones entre la estr赤a adiposa, la placa fibrosa y la placa grave en los an芍lisis entre todas las arterias investigadas, con algunas excepciones. El conjunto de estos resultados sugiere que la aterosclerosis es un proceso de distribuci車n sist谷mica Four hundred and sixty necropsies of patients from "Carlos J. Finlay" Hospital performed between 1999 and 2003 were investigated. Eighteen arteries from the following seven vascular arteries were analyzed: Willis circle, considered as only one artery, the three epicardial coronaries (right, anterior descending and left circumflex) , the aorta (thoracic and abdominal); the two renal, the iliac and the phemoral. An atherometric system was used for the pathomorphological and morphometric study. The arteries were dissected, fixed and coloured. A qualitative and quantitative analysis was made for the statistical study by canonical correlation. Among the most important results there were observed very strong correlations between the adipose stria, the fibrous plaque and the severe plaque in the analyses of all among all the investigated arteries, with a few exceptions. All these results strongly suggest that atherosclerosis is a process of systemic distribution %K Aterosclerosis sist谷mica %K lesi車n ateroscler車tica %K correlaci車n can車nica %K sistema aterom谷trico %K Systemic atherosclerosis %K atherosclerotic lesion %K canonical correlation %K atherometric system %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03002008000300005