%0 Journal Article %T Caracterizaci車n electrofisiol車gica de un grupo de pacientes con polineurorradiculopat赤a desmielinizante inflamatoria cr車nica %A B芍rbara Ayme谷 Hern芍ndez Hern芍ndez %A Ana E Fern芍ndez Nin %J Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomˋˋdicas %D 2001 %I ECIMED %X Se realiz車 estudio de conducci車n nerviosa perif谷rica a 12 pacientes con sospecha cl赤nica de polineurorradiculopat赤a desmielinizante inflamatoria cr車nica, con tiempo de evoluci車n entre 21 d y 1 a o. Se estudiaron los nervios medianos, peroneos profundos, y surales, con el objetivo de contribuir a la caracterizaci車n electrofisiol車gica del estudio de conducci車n nerviosa en esta patolog赤a y demostrar la utilidad de nuevas variables como el porcentaje de ca赤da de amplitud, 芍rea y dispersi車n en el diagn車stico electrofisiol車gico. Se demostr車 que las variables m芍s sensibles en esta patolog赤a son: la latencia al inicio tanto proximal como distal, latencia al pico proximal y distal, duraci車n proximal, duraci車n de la fase negativa proximal, velocidad de conducci車n nerviosa al pico, porcentaje de ca赤da de amplitud, de 芍rea y dispersi車n en el estudio motor, la latencia al inicio y al pico, duraci車n, velocidad de conducci車n nerviosa al inicio y al pico en el estudio sensitivo que evidenci車 su grado de alteraci車n A peripheral nerve conduction study was conducted among 12 patients clinically suspected of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropahty with a time of evolution from 21 days to 1 year. The median, deep peroneal and sural nerves were studied aimed at contributing to the electrophysiological characterization of the nerve conduction study in this pathology and at demonstrating the usefulness of new variables, such as the percentage of the falling of amplitude, area and dispersion in the electrophysiological diagnosis. It was proved that the most sensitive variables in this pathology are: latency at the proximal and distal beginning, proximal duration, duration of the proximal negative phase, nerve conduction velocity at the peak, percentage of the decrease of amplitude, area and dispersion in the motor study, latency at the beginning and at the peak, duration, and nerve conduction velocity at the beginning and at the peak in the sensitive study that showed the degree of alteration %K POLINEUROPATIAS %K CONDUCCION NEURAL %K ELECTRODIAGNOSTICO %K ELECTROFISIOLOGIA %K ELECTROMIOGRAFIA %K NERVIO MEDIANO %K NERVIO SURAL %K POLYNEUROPATHIES %K NEURAL CONDUCTION %K ELECTRODIAGNOSIS %K ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY %K MEDIAN NERVE %K SURAL NERVE %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03002001000400005