%0 Journal Article %T El sarampi車n: una realidad y un desaf赤o %A Mar赤a Teresa Carballo L車pez %A Milady Garc赤a Torres %A Miguel 芍ngel Galindo Sardiˋa %J Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiolog赤a %D 1998 %I ECIMED %X Se presentan los antecedentes hist車ricos del sarampi車n, los aspectos fundamentales del virus, se relacionan algunas caracter赤sticas como: el agente causal y sus diversas complicaciones, las t谷cnicas empleadas para el diagn車stico y el desarrollo de las vacunas antisarampionosas desde que surgieron hasta la actualidad. Adem芍s, se hace referencia a los aspectos epidemiol車gicos y la situaci車n de dicha enfermedad en Cuba. The historical antecedents of measles, and the fundamental aspects of the virus are presented in this paper. Some of its characteristics such as the causal agent and its diverse complications, as well as the techniques used for the diagnosis and the development of measles vaccines since their appearance up to now are also approached. Reference is also made to the epidemiological aspects and to the situation of this disease in Cuba. %K SARAMPION %K VIRUS DEL SARAMPION %K VACUNA ANTISARAMPION %K MEASLES %K MEASLES VIRUS %K MEASLES VACCINE %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1561-30031998000300001