%0 Journal Article %T Method of littoral sediment transport estimation in sand beach M¨¦todo para la estimaci¨®n del transporte de sedimentos litoral en playas de arena %A Ronnie Torres Hugues %A Luis C¨®rdova Lopez %J Revista Cubana de Ingenier¨ªa %D 2010 %I Instituto Superior Polit¨¦cnico Jos¨¦ Antonio Echeverr¨ªa (Cujae) %R 10.1234/rci.v1i1.6 %X Today, beaches are in a critical situation due to erosion. These places are very significant for the economy and tourism. For this reason is important to know the rate of sediment transport and the behavior of it. This work proposes a methodology based in used international models to estimate magnitude and direction of the littoral sediment transport. The method that expose propose to use Longuet-Higgins's velocity formula in Bijker's method to obtain cross shore distribution of alongshore sediment transport. Even, values in surf zone are required for this, it can solve through methodology shown in Coastal Engineering (2000) of Technical University of Delft. Calibration is make for two study. La Ingenier¨ªa Costera se subdivide en tres categor¨ªas: Puertos, Morfolog¨ªa y Offshore. Siendo el campo de la morfolog¨ªa el m¨¢s extenso y el que interviene en los dem¨¢s. En la morfolog¨ªa costera se estudia la interacci¨®n entre el oleaje, la corriente y la costa, lo cual provoca un movimiento de la arena (transporte de sedimentos) y eventualmente cambios en la costa. %K Transporte de sedimentos longitudinal %K Playas de arena %K Varadero %K %K Distribuci¨®n transversal %K Bijker %U http://rci.cujae.edu.cu/index.php/rci/article/view/6