%0 Journal Article %T Calendula officinalis %A Humberto Lastra Vald¨¦s %A Rosario Piquet Garc¨ªa %J Revista Cubana de Farmacia %D 1999 %I ECIMED %X Se analiz¨® lo informado en la literatura en relaci¨®n con la Calendula officinalis en sus aspectos farmacogn¨®sticos, qu¨ªmicos y farmacol¨®gicos en el per¨ªodo 1970 a 1997. Se utilizaron como fuentes principales de consulta el Chemical Abstract y el IPA. El objetivo del trabajo fue fundamentar las investigaciones sobre el uso de la Calendula en las industrias farmac¨¦uticas y cosm¨¦tica. What was reported in literature from 1970 to 1997 in connection with the pharmacognitive, chemical and pharmacological aspects of Calendula officinalis was analyzed. The Chemical Abstract and the IPA were used as main sources of consultation. The objective of the paper was to ground the research on the use of Calendula in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. %K CALENDULA OFFICINALIS %K MEDICINA TRADICIONAL %K EXTRACTOS VEGETALES %K CALENDULA OFFICINALIS %K MEDICINE %K TRADITIONAL %K PLANT EXTRACTS. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75151999000300007