%0 Journal Article %T F¨¦ antropol¨®gica como ponte entre f¨¦ e ideolog¨ªa em Juan Luis Segundo %A Alvori Ahlert %J Teolog¨ªa y vida %D 2007 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat¨®lica de Chile %X Este texto busca a compreens o da ideolog¨ªa em sua rela o com a f¨¦ na teologia latinoamericana a partir da concep o de f¨¦ antropol¨®gica na obra de Juan Luis Segundo. Acreditamos que a quest o da ideolog¨ªa, e sua rela o com a f¨¦, continua sendo urna quest o atual no pensamento crist o, face aos velhos e novos problemas humanos que o novo s¨¢culo vem apresentando. Concentramos nossa an¨¢lise nos escritos de Juan Luis Segundo, um dos princip¨¢is representantes dessa teologia, por ser este te¨®logo que, ao nosso ver, mais trabalhou, de forma expl¨ªcita, a quest o da ideolog¨ªa e sua rela o com a f¨¦ no contexto latinoamericano This text searchs the understanding of the ideology in its relation with the faith in the Latin American theology from the conception of antropology faith in the workmanship of Juan Luis Segundo. We believe that the question of the ideology, and its relation with the faith, continue being a current question in the Christian thought, face to the old and new human problems that the new century comes presenting. We concentrate our analysis on the writings of Juan Luis Segundo, one of the main representatives of this theology, for being this theologian who, to ours to see, more worked, of explicit form, the question of the ideology and its relation with the faith in the Latin American context %K Fe antropol¨®gica %K ideolog¨ªa %K fe %K teolog¨ªa del liberaci¨®n %K F¨¦ antropol¨®gica %K ideolog¨ªa %K f¨¦ %K teologia da liberta o %K Antropology faith %K ideology %K faith %K theology of the release %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0049-34492007000300001