%0 Journal Article %T Ofrendas para la edificaci車n de la Catedral de Segovia %A Cillanueva de Santos %A Miguel 芍ngel %J Pecunia : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Econ車micas y Empresariales %D 2009 %I Universidad de Le車n %X El art赤culo que aqu赤 se presenta forma parte de la investigaci車n que se ha llevado a cabo en el Archivo de la Catedral de Segovia y que abarca el periodo en que se edific車 dicho monumento que est芍 comprendido entre los a os de 1524 y 1685. La edificaci車n de la Catedral de Segovia se constituy車 desde su inicio como una obra colectiva pues en su financiaci車n participaron todos los estamentos y grupos sociales de la ciudad. Para ello utilizaron diferentes instrumentos entre los que destacan las ofrendas por el volumen monetario que supusieron pero, tambi谷n, porque representan el grado de compromiso de cada estamento en la edificaci車n del nuevo templo.This article, which is being introduced here, is a part of the investigation, which has been carried out in the archives of the Cathedral of Segovia. It covers the period in which the monument was being built, from 1524 to 1685. The building of the Cathedral of Segovia was thought to be a collective one from the beginning, as it received financial support from every statement and social group in the city. Different instrumenta were used to construct it, among them and significantly important, were the offerings, because of the monetary volume they supposed but also because they represent the degree of compromise of every statement in the construction of the new temple. %K Catedral de Segovia %K Financiaci車n %K Ofrendas %K Siglos XVI y XVII %K Cathedral of Segovia %K Financing %K Offerings %K XVI'th and XVII'th century %U http://www3.unileon.es/pecvnia/pecvnia08/08_097_120.pdf