%0 Journal Article %T Fetal hydrothorax associated to hydrops: expectant or interventionist management? %A Ortiz-Escobar Alexa Gianina %A Meneses-Ruiz Katherine %J Revista Ciencias Biom谷dicas %D 2011 %I Universidad de Cartagena %X Background: Fetal hydrothorax is the accumulation of free fluid in pleural cavity offetus. It is very often associated to hydrops fetalis which is a serious entity with ahigh perinatal mortality, multifactorial etiology and it is characterized by generalizedanasarca, with accumulation of fluid in some serous cavities of the fetus. It is importantto know beforehand if this condition is present in order to establish the most probableorigin and to be prepared to administer optimal reanimation management of the neonateat birth. The care given to a newborn with hydrops fetalis is always a challenge for theneonatologist. We present a report of a case in the city of Cartagena. Case report: We present the case of a pregnant woman, O positive blood type, with importantpreceding surgery, without alterations in previous pregnancy. Her fetus in 31st weekwas diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion. The especialist performed intrauterineintervention to drain fluid twice without improvement, therefore pregnancy wasinterrupted through cesarean section. The newborn presents signs of respiratory failurerequiring mechanical ventilatory assistance with high parameters. The pleural effusionpersisted, so drainage and insert of thoracic tube was made obtaining an unfavorableevolution with neonatal death. Conclusions: Currently, there∩s not a world consensusof the management of fetal hydrothorax associated or not to hydrops; we presenthighlights to guide the decision of an expectant or interventionist management, basedon underlying cause.RESUMEN:El hidrot車rax fetal es la acumulaci車n de l赤quido libre en la cavidad pleural fetal. Seasocia muy frecuentemente al hidrops fetalis entidad de elevada mortalidad perinatal,de etiolog赤a multifactorial y caracterizado por anasarca generalizada, con acumulaci車nde l赤quido en algunas cavidades serosas del organismo fetal. Es importante establecercon antelaci車n esta condici車n, ya que debe conocerse la causa m芍s probable, paraayudar en la mejor reanimaci車n al nacimiento. Se presenta el reporte de un casoen la ciudad de Cartagena. Colombia. Paciente de 35 a os de edad, secundigestantede grupo sangu赤neo RH positivo, con antecedente quir迆rgico de resecci車n de tumordermoide en pared abdominal, m迆sculos rectos abdominales, con colocaci車n de malla depropileno. Embarazo anterior sin alteraciones. A las treinta y una semana de gestaci車nse hace diagn車stico ecogr芍fico de derrame pleural bilateral fetal. Se realiza intervenci車nintrauterina para drenar l赤quido y colocaci車n de dren pleuroamniotico. Por no presentarmejor赤a se decide nuevamente toracocente %K Hidrot車rax fetal %K Hidrops fetalis %K Derivaci車n pleuroamniotica. %U http://www.revistacienciasbiomedicas.com/index.php/revciencbiomed/article/view/70/65